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  1. proverbs35


    So others who hold authority like fathers, husbands or kings cannot be willfully disobeyed? People disobey fathers, husbands and kings too. What point are you trying to make?
  2. proverbs35


    I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church in Cenchreae. 2 I ask you to receive her in the Lord in a way worthy of his people and to give her any help she may need from you, for she has been the benefactor of many people, including me. Roman's 16:1-2 Phoebe was a deacon.
  3. proverbs35


    I must admit that I was triggered by your post. I don't think that I have really interacted with you much. I am not in the BD forum as often. I did remember that you had been an advocate for women. However, when I read the post, I thought you had gone off the deep end. Anyway, thank you for...
  4. proverbs35


    Sarah obeyed Abraham. 1 Peter 3:6 There is no denying that. Genesis 21:12 describes a time when GOD told Abraham to listen to and obey his wife Sarah concerning a very important household decision. But God said to Abraham: Do not be distressed about the boy or about your slave woman. Obey...
  5. proverbs35


    Just curious. Are you praying for the men of the Church as it relates to their disobedience, failures and sin too? Or are you only concerned with the disobedience, failures and sins of the women in Church? Have you initiated any threads about the disobedience, failures and sins of the men in...
  6. proverbs35


    Unfortunately, countless men (only God knows the exact number) inside and outside of the church really believe controlling and ruling women is their life's mission.
  7. proverbs35

    Is there a chance to find a partner at my age of 42

    Fold... Good catch. I thought that was a typo. LOL I thought he meant to say, "One of you probably TOLD and will cry to the mods about me.
  8. proverbs35

    Is there a chance to find a partner at my age of 42

    The incel worldview is not something merely made up by IT users and the media. The incel worldview is being researched by psychologists, Dept. of Homeland Security and institutions of higher learning like Florida State University and Georgia State University. Source...
  9. proverbs35

    Is there a chance to find a partner at my age of 42

    Actually, it does. This is a Christian forum. The majority of the members here have at least a basic Biblical/Christian worldview. The incel worldview is not based on rightly dividing (correctly handling) the word of truth per 2 Tim 2:15. The incel worldview is rooted in emotions like anger...
  10. proverbs35

    Is there a chance to find a partner at my age of 42

    @Lynx @seoulsearch The word incel come to mind. 🚩
  11. proverbs35

    Why Are Women Expected to be the Gatekeepers of Virginity?

    Thanks for providing the citation.
  12. proverbs35

    Why Are Women Expected to be the Gatekeepers of Virginity?

    That's a bold assertion. Please cite the source that this stat was pulled from. Thanks!
  13. proverbs35

    A Double Standard in Christianity?

    Yes. There are more notable women in the OT. There are plenty of notable women in the NT too. This would make a great thread topic.
  14. proverbs35

    Will I ever get a good wife of Christ?

    I definitely agree. There are multiple red flags in his posts.
  15. proverbs35

    The vanishing male

    The word translated as helper in Genesis 2:18,20 is the Hebrew term EZER Strong's H5828. It means to succour, aid. Helper (EZER, Strong's H5828) is one of God's names. It is used to describe God in the verses below: Blessed are you, Israel! Who is like...
  16. proverbs35

    Epidemic of childless and miserable 40+ women

    Based on this comment, it sounds like you had to establish healthy boundaries. That's not the same thing as writing someone off. Continue to pray for her. Boundaries are necessary.
  17. proverbs35

    What are Your Thoughts About Financially Independent Women?

    Very true!!! We need to stop romanticizing the opposites attract idea. They often attract but, many times they don't last or thrive.