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  1. Anthony55


    Dr. Sherri Tenpenny told Ohio lawmakers in June that COVID-19 vaccines could make people magnetic. Tenpenny was recently named one of the 12 most prolific sources of anti-vax misinformation See more stories on Insider's business page. A prominent anti-vax doctor from Ohio, who pushed the false...
  2. Anthony55

    there is a great attack on the Lord Jesus and The Holy Spirit today

    Thank you. The Word is alive and so real Brother. I love it when He gives me what I need before I ask. Once I bought turn table, radio, and CD player and I didn't have any CD's. I went to the Salvation Army store to look at their CD's and when I got there a radio announcer had just brought in...
  3. Anthony55

    there is a great attack on the Lord Jesus and The Holy Spirit today

    Here are the 10 states that are the least religious: New Hampshire (33.00%) Massachusetts (33.00%) Vermont (34.00%) Maine (34.00%) Connecticut (43.00%) Wisconsin (45.00%) Washington (45.00%) Alaska (45.00%) New York (46.00%) Hawaii (47.00% I live in number three in the capital. The churches...
  4. Anthony55

    How the Pre-Trib Rapture Became Popular in the Modern Church

    I put William Miller in there because they cover some of him. But its not all about Miller. And of course its not. Its about Christ and His return and judgement. Hope you all enjoy it as much as I did. Also I am looking for feed back. GODS BLESSINS
  5. Anthony55

    How the Pre-Trib Rapture Became Popular in the Modern Church

    Has anyone seen these documentaries? The Days of Noah: The Flood part 1, The Days of Noah: Judgement Hour part 2, The Days of Noah: The Valley of Decision part 3, The Days of Noah: Ark of Fire part 4. It is on Prime. The Days of Noah: The Flood: Directed by Michael McCaffrey. With Doug...
  6. Anthony55


    No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life: that he may please Him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. II Tim 2:4
  7. Anthony55


    Well my mind left center field then. I actually thought you were referring to Jamestown Jones Kool aide as it was poisoned just like fake news is poison. So I humbly apologize. As for the pants on fire that was USA todays journalist rating at the end of the article titled Fact check: Fatality...
  8. Anthony55


    I was watching America Unearthed today episode 2 season 2. About The Georgia Guidestones one of the men on the program said that the government was going to unleash a virus on us. That originally aired 2013. I remember back in 1970 they were talking on the radio about labs with biological...
  9. Anthony55


    At least 5 people in China have disappeared, gotten arrested, or been silenced after speaking out about the coronavirus — here's what we know about them Chinese law professor Xu Zhangrun recently posted a scathing review of the way president Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party have...
  10. Anthony55


    That means that 6% of those who died with COVID-19 through Aug. 15 didn’t have any other reported conditions. It does not mean that the CDC has “quietly updated” the number of deaths associated with COVID-19 to a fraction of what had been reported. It’s also not new information; the agency has...
  11. Anthony55


    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention hasn’t drastically reduced the number of deaths attributable to COVID-19, but posts making that bogus claim have been circulating widely — But that’s not what the CDC information says. In weekly updates provided on the CDC’s website, the agency...
  12. Anthony55


    First of all I would appreciate it if you would voice your opinion with the knowledge you have so people can learn. Everyone on these threads have their own opinions and we listen and then research. Thus Iron sharpens Iron. You don't need to slap people in the face with sarcasm and be the...
  13. Anthony55


    Thank you. I copied it from a article when I looked up millions die from vaccine. I understand the difference of opinions from this thread as there are difference in beliefs. There's 16 min. video on You Tube, "It's Impossible to Put Chips In a Vaccine." I didn't watch it because it's a no...
  14. Anthony55

    My boyfriend cheated, what should I do ?

    From the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’ ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ I am sorry to hear this Apple. Obviously he has picked his desires over love for you and more importantly his love...
  15. Anthony55


    A report written by anti-vaccine advocates on a website called Stop World Control made claims that the COVID-19 vaccine has killed millions of people. This report cites sources such as the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, an official database to which anyone can report any kind of adverse...
  16. Anthony55

    Night and Day

    Thank you Gods Blessings
  17. Anthony55

    Once saved always saved (OSAS) debunked

    Oh, My Bad. I thought the topic was Once save Always Saved.
  18. Anthony55

    Once saved always saved (OSAS) debunked

    OSAS, mantra of Arminian evangelicalism. without the recognition of the Father's election of a specific people, Christ's death in their behalf, and the Spirit's sealing of that same specific people, there is no reason to believe in "eternal security." In other words, synergists have no...