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  1. L

    A question about the Lake of Fire

    Will the Lake of Fire destroy everything that enters it or will there be eternal suffering?
  2. L

    Is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit possible today?

    I suffer from schizophrenia and I believe I may have blasphemed the Holy Spirit during a period while I was sick. Is this sin possible today, can I stop worrying about this? I didn't try to blaspheme or sin intentionally.
  3. L

    How could Islam have gotten it so wrong?

    In Islam Jesus is considered the messiah. However meaningless and empty that is, Islam disregards every truth the Bible teaches about Him. Why is it obvious that Islam is a man made religion? They got the story of Jesus' birth ABSOLUTELY WRONG. How can Islam claim legitimacy when the story...
  4. L

    Would playing poker for money be considered covetous?

    As apposed to playing for play chips that have no value (outside of the game). Would playing poker for money be covetous? The objective of the game is to win the other player's money. A poker player might not envy another's possessions outside of the game though, but while playing the game they...