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  1. R

    Was a day 24 hours in the beginning?

    This is an error in thought process. God Created the Universe on Day one or YOWM ONE.....and YOWM is used for time in general in he bible, not just days. Its used for months, years, days, or any time period, then a description of the time is put forth to describe that period of time. Hebrew had...
  2. R

    Any Post or Non-Tribbers in Here?

    The Church will not be here. Anyone who can't see that, IMHO, doesn't understand anything end times
  3. R

    Any Post or Non-Tribbers in Here?

    If you use the Holy Spirit you can do it yourself, there is no need in me wasting my time when no matter what evidence I supply you could care less because you think you already know, when you don't. But all those who mislead people today will have to answer after they get to heaven. There will...
  4. R

    Any Post or Non-Tribbers in Here?

    God's Wrath falls after the Rapture, which is why all those 5 Virgins who tarried ae now in the situation they shouldn't have been in. 1.) they will die via God's Wrath (wrong place wrong time) if they are in the Asteroids path, or if they are in the New World, where all the trees burn. 2.)...
  5. R

    The 7 Years and God`s Feasts.

    The 1335 is 1335 days until the 2nd coming ends all of these wonders, the 1290 is 1290 days from the 2nd coming and the Beast conquering Israel/holy peoples is a time tines a half[time] or 1260 days until all these wonders are ended. The 1335 = the Two-witnesses showing up 1335 days before the...
  6. R

    Any Post or Non-Tribbers in Here?

    I am Pre Trib, but the Second Coming will be with us the Church and Angels by his side. Rev. 14 is The Harvest Chapter, the 144,000 are simply the 3-5 million Jews(Wheat who have to be crushed) who come unto Christ, then in verses 17-20 we see the Wine-press of His Wrath Harvest the Grapes...
  7. R

    Any Post or Non-Tribbers in Here?

    That is the whole point basically we get thousands of guesses and no one seemed to know. One day while I was kicking myself for the thousandth time about not being able to explain Daniel 11 in detail, I decided to tackle this chapter once and for all and to do an Exegesis on it and name every...
  8. R

    Ezekiel 28:13-15.....proof text that the "gap theory" is unbiblical.

    There are many many ways to measure the earths age. We know by looking at Gen. ch. 1 that the universe is not 6000 years old.
  9. R

    Ezekiel 28:13-15.....proof text that the "gap theory" is unbiblical.

    So........IF God changed His "Laws of Nature" that is always the comeback I get. Now explain why God needs to change and HURRY UP the timelines because God lives in ALL TIMES at once, so as soon as he finished speaking creation He was living un the finished product already, time does not...
  10. R

    Any Post or Non-Tribbers in Here?

    Of course they can most really have not much understanding of it tbh, but it is my calling for 37 plus years. Only when we understand the 1290 and 1335 does the veil about the end times lift. Then we can see the timelines clearly. God Bless.
  11. R

    Any Post or Non-Tribbers in Here?

    That is not what it actually says, The DEPARTURE [of the church] AND the Anti-Christ must both happen before the Wrath of God falls. The first 7 English translations had Departure not Falling Away, the KJV twisted it because they were trying to slight the RCC by saying they had Departed the...
  12. R

    Ezekiel 28:13-15.....proof text that the "gap theory" is unbiblical.

    I know, but there are also people who use this sane terminology on Daniel 70th week. Which only comes to pass in the last 7 years where Satan is still in power on this earth. It is Israel's final week of Judgment. This is why I hedged on what it was about. No, we can measure distance and we...
  13. R

    Any Post or Non-Tribbers in Here?

    Hello Lori, welcome to the forum. You are correct sister. Those numbers were always an erroneous understanding. In Matt. 24:4-31 we get about 12 "SIGNS" about Jesus Second Coming, not the Rapture, so when we see verses 32-35 speak about the Fig trees fruit and the Disciples (Jews) were told...
  14. R

    Any Post or Non-Tribbers in Here?

    THINK....its unto the Church of Smyrna, so that a Church Age Tribulation, ole EW will conflate the issues. The 10 days = Tribulation for the complete (10 represents completion) Church Age. Why are we speaking about the 70th week when the Church will nit be here? Because THEY do not understand...
  15. R

    Any Post or Non-Tribbers in Here?

    I like John also. TRY THIS: it is an unknown author, but I have used it for years. The Jewish Wedding Pattern
  16. R

    Any Post or Non-Tribbers in Here?

    There are indeed two stages, not three, but you get the gist, we are Raptured Pre Trib, then Jesus shows up to start the Kingdom Age in Israel for 1000 years, and at that time the Martyred Saints of the 70th week will be raised, they alone (Rev. 20:4) will live and reign on earth with Jesus for...
  17. R

    Ezekiel 28:13-15.....proof text that the "gap theory" is unbiblical.

    If you are referring to the Earth being 4.5 Billion years old via all "7 days" being NOT GAPS as you infer but actual YOWMS or 7 YOWMS (Time Periods) in which God is describing from His perspective (He created it all) time periods with the first day being 9.2 Billion years (from 13.7 billion...
  18. R

    The Woman Goes into the Wilderness and Returns as the Harlot

    Did you not hear what I just told you? The book of Revelation IS NOT in Chronological order, thus the only order is this, Rev. 8, 9 and 16 is the judgments/wrath of God, all other chapters after ch. 8 are thus Parenthetical Citation chapters, telling of events tat happen in the other three...
  19. R

    The Woman Goes into the Wilderness and Returns as the Harlot

    You are confused my friend. The Woman is all Israel who REPENT as seen in Zechariah 13:8-9. God protects her for 1260 days until Jesus' Second Coming. The Rev. 17 Harlot is (let me make it easy for you an d simple to boot) ALL False Religion of ALL Time, that's why she has the blood of the...
  20. R

    when will the most evil doctrin in the world get banned on this site.

    Words have a way of morphing, gay = happy to me, younger people think differently. Torment is like Departure which people twisted into apostacy. But I digress. MAIN POINT HERE: Lets say you were a big boss on a construction site that has 100 people on site. When you roll up on day one you...