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  1. Krumbeard

    Random game.

    Deed Hi Ruby
  2. Krumbeard

    Last person to post wins!!!

    Ummm.... You're disqualified! This is the singles forum! I mean really! Hahahaha! Just kidding! Good morning! And... I'm the winner.
  3. Krumbeard

    Random game.

    Certain Good morning!
  4. Krumbeard

    I am NOT happy!

    Good thoughts.
  5. Krumbeard

    Random game.

    Ancient I wouldn't mind trying emu or kangaroo and whatnot. Sounds interesting.
  6. Krumbeard

    Random game.

    Flying Hey moses and ruby!
  7. Krumbeard

    Random game.

    Cups Good morning!
  8. Krumbeard

    I am NOT happy!

    Yeah, drugs wouldn't be a good idea. Bu the other thoughts you had would probably be more productive. Reading the psalms would be a great idea. You're not the first to be frustrated or unsure. Jesus sweated blood because he was so stressed about what he knew he had to do. And when he was...
  9. Krumbeard

    What is the Difference Between Determination and Desperation?

    Are these Christian men or not?
  10. Krumbeard

    Random game.

    Flee (Maybe chicken underwear I might be the pin singing. Everyone wanting me to shut up. Haha)
  11. Krumbeard

    Random game.

  12. Krumbeard

    What is the Difference Between Determination and Desperation?

    That's not marriage! That's slavery wrapped on the guise of marriage. Marriage is a covenant. It's a physical representation of our relationship to and with Christ. Sadly we lose sight of that and distort and twist it in our sinfulness.
  13. Krumbeard

    What is the Difference Between Determination and Desperation?

    The housewives that I know do it because they want to and love it. They are not locked in a house by their husbands. Was your mother locked in her home by your dad?
  14. Krumbeard

    Random game.

  15. Krumbeard

    Random game.

  16. Krumbeard

    Last person to post wins!!!

    Times up poinsetta! My turn!😁
  17. Krumbeard

    Random game.

  18. Krumbeard

    What Were You Like in High School?

    I'll admit now that I didn't read through the book long OP. 😜 But I'll answer the question. I was odd, had a bad attitude till my senior year and complained about most of my classes. I had a few close friends, was never popular nor cared to be so. Did well in my classes without much...
  19. Krumbeard

    Last person to post wins!!!

    Thanks again!