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  1. R


    God created the heavens and the earth by speaking them into existence 13.7 billion years ago, he spoke all created animals into existence, but with man He rested Hs creation 6000 some odd years ago by placing His Spirit into mankind, you can take any animal before that point and they were no...
  2. R

    Fully God and Fully Man, how does that work?

    And that's why I told you IN SPIRIT an you can't understand that Jesus prayed to THE FATHER IN Heaven, and spoke of the Holy Spirit descending on him like a Dove. Read the scriptures, all of these concepts are in the bible, I am starting to wonder if trolls may have infiltrated the site. Jesus...
  3. R

    Fully God and Fully Man, how does that work?

    In Spirit, was God a Human being? LOL, he also does not have the Fulness of the Glory, why can't you guys understand these concepts, NO MAN has ever seen the fulness of God's Glory, I explained it to you where a 5 year old could understand it, yet it went over your head, why is the Holy Spirit...
  4. R

    How the Pre-Trib Rapture Became Popular in the Modern Church

    You sir are a laugh a minute machine, put in a dime and get the giggles. You cant defend anything when I destroy every bad understanding you have, thus you dodge and run. You are wrong on the timing of the Rapture, and yo are so bullheaded you will always be wrong, and thus one day you will...
  5. R

    How the Pre-Trib Rapture Became Popular in the Modern Church

    Oh brother, this one exactly zero change of ever understanding ANY METAPHOR, LOL. I give up, you have no hope of comprehending anything. Continue on down your rabbit hole. WE ALL KNOW WHEN SIN CAME INTOTHE WORLD..........Geezzzzzeeeeee The RAIN is he TROUBLES when compared to Jesus' point that...
  6. R

    A golden key to understand the book of Revelations

    No he's not, God has a unique rhythm unto Him, what you see in those TWO VERSES is God giving a FLASHBACK unto why Israel were scattered for 2000 years via this Prophecy which is an END TIME PROPHESY. God ties it all together the exact same way in many places, His RYTHM !! In Rev. 12 it is...
  7. R

    How the Pre-Trib Rapture Became Popular in the Modern Church

    Here is what you guys get wrong, ALL TIME on this earth is troubles because we live in Satan's Domain. millions killed in wars are trouble see WW2 and WW1, see the Black Plague, see Hitler, see COVID 19, see the many famines and Hurricanes etc. etc. John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so...
  8. R

    Fully God and Fully Man, how does that work?

    I don't need to read al that to explain wat this means. Fully God means the same thing as the Trinity, Jesus nor the Holy Spirit are The Father (of course) who has the "Abundance of the Glory" but they are the exact same in Spirit or ESSENCE, they are all three Love, Joy, Hope, Peace, Kind...
  9. R

    A golden key to understand the book of Revelations

    Weird wonder you are confused via the bible. I wipe the dust off my feet, I don't waste time on people who are brought forth to argue inane points.
  10. R

    A golden key to understand the book of Revelations

    No, I actually understand the book of Revelation, but you however are thrown off by ONE VERSE, which tells you no such thing that the Seals have been being opened for nigh 2000 years, but you run with it anyway, thereby via all your errors all you can say is that everyone else is wrong, when its...
  11. R

    A golden key to understand the book of Revelations

    This is a passage I have done an Exegesis on, so I will explain the whole chapter to you, FIRST you need to look back at Zechariah 12, it is a END TIME REFERENCE, that Israel will be a cup of trembling, and that they repent in Zechariah 12:10......Then we get chapter 13 which I will explain in...
  12. R

    A golden key to understand the book of Revelations

    :ROFL: "GET THE BEHIND ME Satan"...........Quote from Jesus. When Jesus told Peter he would have to be carried away and killed Peter wanted to fight, he clearly "REBUKED Jesus the Lord of lords" and thus Jesus told him Satan was telling him that, what Jesus had just told him was just the...
  13. R

    A golden key to understand the book of Revelations

    Do I have to spell it out when I paraphrase, or are you really just not know anything biblical ? Jesus told Peter his kingdom was NOT OF THIS WORLD when Peter told him Jesus he could not allow himself to be taken and killed. Matt. 16:21 From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his...
  14. R

    A golden key to understand the book of Revelations

    You actually know nothing sir. You sit here and look at this vast understanding God has given me over 35 years of teaching the Gospel, and you reject everything except what you think the bible says, God taught you none of that, Satan whispers to Peter, FIGHT....When Jesus told him that his...
  15. R

    A golden key to understand the book of Revelations

    Now via the above post you can see why I separated your post here, all of the rest of your post is out of sorts because you get the understanding of the timing all wrong, but the 7th Trump being in the middle of the week is just not even a mistake via this misconception of yours, this is a...
  16. R

    A golden key to understand the book of Revelations

    You get a few things wrong here, one is really off, the other is a mistake "everyone else makes also". Firstly, Paul was called to take the Gospel unto the Gentile masses, not to be a Prophet per se or a prophecy interpreter, (like many on here today, LOL) and thus what he espouses about the...
  17. R

    A golden key to understand the book of Revelations

    CONTINUED.......... 2.) The Church will not be on this earth, the Remnant Church (Rev. 12:17) will be, they are the Martyrs seen in the 6th Seal and in Rev. 12 whom the Dragon/Anti-Christ goes after. The Temple is built at some point 9n time, but not AFTER the 3.5 years of Peace because the...
  18. R

    A golden key to understand the book of Revelations

    No, most people understand this, Zechariah 13:8-9 tells us that 1/3 of the Jews repents during the 70th week, just before the coming day of the Lord (God's Wrath), and we know God protects these 3-5 million Jews in the Petra/Bozrah area for 1260 days. But you manage to get everything twisted via...
  19. R

    A golden key to understand the book of Revelations

    Many people don't understand this in full, I didn't for 30 plus years. TROUBLES simply means TROUBLES !! All time on this earth is TROUBLES Jesus stated in John 16:33. So, the TROUBLES via any human living on this earth at all times, because Satan is the god of this evil world. The 70th week...