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  1. Krumbeard

    Random game.

  2. Krumbeard

    Midnight Confessions

    We did that to a guy a number of years ago. Except it was Friday and we kept saying it was Thursday. We were trying to get him to come in on Saturday. He figured it out before he went home.
  3. Krumbeard

    Midnight Confessions

    That 10 year old boy is stalking you? Weird.
  4. Krumbeard

    Midnight Confessions

    That ended up being a lot weirder as I thought more about it. Sorry.
  5. Krumbeard

    Midnight Confessions

    And...there's that young man that's been showing an interest in you. Gotta keep your options open! Haha!
  6. Krumbeard

    Last person to post wins!!!

    Happy Valentines?
  7. Krumbeard

    Random game.

  8. Krumbeard

    Give me memes!

    Have tried to order this yet? Haha
  9. Krumbeard

    Midnight Confessions

    You got my hopes up for a second...that wasn't nice. 😁
  10. Krumbeard

    Last person to post wins!!!

    Now that takes some talent and strength! That'd be fun to try but I'd probably fall off and get run over. But would it be worth it? 🤔
  11. Krumbeard

    Random game.

  12. Krumbeard

    Nothing but questions.

    I like the workshop better than an outhouse, don't you?
  13. Krumbeard

    Nothing but questions.

    Do you mean the outhouse?
  14. Krumbeard

    (Potentially) Profound Thoughts

    Hi Seoul! Is that what you did? Started talking to yourself and now we don't see much of you anymore? Haha. Hope have been well!
  15. Krumbeard

    (Potentially) Profound Thoughts

    I think I might end up fighting with myself. 🤔🤣
  16. Krumbeard

    (Potentially) Profound Thoughts

    Well I was going to start a conversation with myself but that's not allowed.🤷‍♂️
  17. Krumbeard

    Last person to post wins!!!

    Alright! Times up! Yes, I would hurt a fly. Even kill one! Haha
  18. Krumbeard

    Are You Brave Enough to Post a Picture of Yourself?

    Isn't this the guy from the movie "Up"?
  19. Krumbeard

    I cant wait !

    Friday I'm off so I can go work my side gig!