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  1. B

    Are We Approaching "that day", "the last day"?

    I would like to re-post a comment I made in December of 2022. We must consider the rise of antisemitism when discussing the times, we’re living in. I’ve heard little to none from the end time prophets on the subject. For years I’ve ask myself the question, what would cause the American Jew to...
  2. B

    Are We Approaching "that day", "the last day"?

    Is it possible to have a conversation on a subject in this website without being so staunch, religious theological idealists?
  3. B

    Are We Approaching "that day", "the last day"?

    We must consider the rise of antisemitism when discussing the times, we’re living in. I’ve heard little to none from the end time prophets on the subject. For years I’ve ask myself the question, what would cause the American Jew to make a mass migration back to the land of Israel? The U.S.A. is...
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    Jesus is God

    . Like I said, I rest my case. Do a study on your own and see how many times Paul and the others spoke of Yeshua being the seed of David according to the flesh. If he was a man like you and I and he revealed to man how to enter a relationship with God as Father and son, I think it makes him...
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    Jesus is God

    I don't think I SAID i was GOD, if your not one with the Father then your none of His.
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    Jesus is God

    I haven't been in the church scene for many years and I can see it hasn't changed. People keep bailing out of it because it's dead.
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    Jesus is God

    Yes, the Catholic Church is the mother of the protestant church becuse the protestant Church still holds to its core beliefs but Paul said Jerusalem above, the free woman, is the mother of us all = including Yeshua.
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    Jesus is God

    I rest my case, been hearing these arguments for 40 years. If you believe Jesus was God in a man's body, I'm fine with your beliefs. I preached the same thing you believe until the Spirit took me aside and had me study the scripture, rightly dividing it without the influence of the doctrines of...
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    Jesus is God

    If he was the first born of many brethren, then I by the renewing of the Holy Ghost can say the same as my elder brother Yeshua. The Father and I are also one, the Father is also in me and I in him or else I am not one of His. That was Yeshua's message to the disciples, Father make them one with...
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    Jesus is God

    "God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent." Numbers 24:19 "For since by man came death, by man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order: Christ the first...
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    Jesus is God

    God gave David a promise - "And when thy days be fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build an house for my name, and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom for...
  12. B

    Jesus is God

    Thank you, hope to enjoy many deep discussions.
  13. B


    Remember, it's not our faith - we live by the faith of the Son of God! The man prayed Lord I believe but help my unbelief. Don't know a soul during these times who are not going through something. I was diagnosed with cancer but God is greater than cancer. We are in this world but not of it. Shalom
  14. B

    Jesus is God

    With all due respect, discussing the deity of Yeshua or Jesus is like beating a dead horse. That subject has been discussed since the first century C.E. It took religious men 425 years to finally decide whether Yeshua was God or man, much blood was spilled over this subject. There were two...