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  1. Foghorn

    Salvation is a Free Gift.

    I'm a Christian. Therefore I believe, in case you didn't know. Now since we got that, would you rephrase your question? Some answers are obvious.
  2. Foghorn

    Salvation is a Free Gift.

    Scripture? With context? Thanks
  3. Foghorn

    Salvation is a Free Gift.

    You would compare your self and gift-giving to God?
  4. Foghorn

    Salvation is a Free Gift.

    Absolutely not. How about you?
  5. Foghorn

    Salvation is a Free Gift.

    Who is saying that? I haven't seen that yet in this thread.
  6. Foghorn

    Salvation is a Free Gift.

    Yes, it sure is crazy isn't it? A denomination will have something to do with it but I believe it goes beyond that. Agreed, 100% Mainly we have to let God speak for Himself. Indeed it is. But yet, in your next line, you say it is received through repentance and faith. So which is it, free? Or is...
  7. Foghorn

    Gods Elect vs man's selction

    According to scripture, it's election that starts a salvation process. Or, everyone would reject Him.
  8. Foghorn

    Gather the wheat into my barn

  9. Foghorn

    Gather the wheat into my barn

    Which parable? I'd like to have a look at this teaching. Thanks
  10. Foghorn

    Gather the wheat into my barn

    Ya see. Once ya think........:unsure:
  11. Foghorn

    Hello everyone

    Another New Englander. Yay. :) Me. ;) Thank you and blessing to you.
  12. Foghorn

    Hello everyone

    I'd love, I say, I'd love to know how you figured that out. Thank you. :)
  13. Foghorn

    Gods Elect vs man's selction

    I take it you don't agree with Calvinism? But you do make it sound that if I agreed with Calvinism we would be enemies?
  14. Foghorn

    Gods Elect vs man's selction

    Well sure it does.
  15. Foghorn

    Gods Elect vs man's selction

    Yea right. Amen Right. And I do not see anywhere in scripture where God makes man believe or not believe. Man is responsible for his actions and choices. How did man become a slave to sin? The law you mean?
  16. Foghorn

    Gods Elect vs man's selction

    Which doctrine do I presently have now?
  17. Foghorn

    Gods Elect vs man's selction

    I think you ned to brush up on your Greek. :)
  18. Foghorn

    Gods Elect vs man's selction

  19. Foghorn

    Gods Elect vs man's selction

    And why couldn't that mean the elect? God not wishing any should perish?