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  1. someguyfrommars

    Epidemic of childless and miserable 40+ men?

    On first impression this read like a top secret message written in code, but upon further review it masterfully captures the spirit of 'being in the world but not of the world'. Nice job Platosgal!
  2. someguyfrommars

    Epidemic of childless and miserable 40+ men?

    Hold on. Wait a minute. Let's put on the brakes. You are misinterpreting the intention of my original post. That said, perhaps I could have better clarified things. Please note that these are NOT single women I am encountering in a social setting such as church that are either not showing...
  3. someguyfrommars

    Epidemic of childless and miserable 40+ men?

    I corrected your spelling. Basically, what I am referring to is the 'female glare of death' I often receive when meeting women for the first time, the type of look that says 'all I perceive is how unattractive you are, and I am not going to even consider the type of person you might be outside...
  4. someguyfrommars

    Epidemic of childless and miserable 40+ men?

    OK, I perused the entire thread, and far as I can tell, not one childless man 40+ has offered his thoughts. That is, until now. Yep, I am the real deal: age 57, never married, never been in a relationship and (obviously) no kids. So how I am doing? Quite well as a matter of fact! As a...
  5. someguyfrommars

    Are You More Attracted to the Happy-Go-Lucky Type, or the Tortured Soul?

    I am encouraged how the general consensus to this thread is a healthy balance between either side of the fence. Or as one member put it: 'I'm happy-go-tortured' Perhaps it is best as Christian people to walk a fine line between the two: For example, going through 'thorn-laden, tortured soul...
  6. someguyfrommars

    when asked...

    Whenever someone asks I basically tell them. For example, I started a thread in the New Christian Chat Members (Introduction) forum and described myself as a 'lifelong single'. One well meaning member asked 'why didn't you get married?' Hence, my response:
  7. someguyfrommars

    Christian Metal

    Veni Domine is one of my favorite bands.