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  1. M

    Speak Your Mind.

    They are not the type of play live. Music made more on a laptop
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    Speak Your Mind.

    If its sinful then I feel awkward playing it. I need to feel the song is truth. I'm stubborn
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    Random game.

    I saw first blood and it stopped me joining the forces
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    Random game.

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    Speak Your Mind.

    I like the mood. But some lyrics ruin the song
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    What is the scariest dream you've ever had?

    There was one where there were two giants wrestling...I could not make out their faces but it felt like their thumbs alone with a size of large buildings and I was being crushed as they rolled and pinned the other. I had this in childhood and even if I have it again sometimes I wake up soaked...
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    Jezebel Spirit

    It wasn't directly in church but more wear yeah I was volunteering to do charity work at a different site that she managed. I was stupid and hurting so when someone showed care I didn't scrutinise. I have slowly learnt that we should not rely on people. It is a work in progress. Just like any...
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    I miss typed and hit a button but could not find a way to edit the post
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    Random game.

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    Anyone For Cereal?

    I think that at the more open Society becomes, and the less restrictions you have, the more that people will pause and think. When you just pause and breathe what is natural comes through. But I think that harsh blocking of any of you simply leaves 2 Rebellion which is often linked to being...
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    Anyone For Cereal?

    I like the idea of just sitting quietly sometimes. I often wonder what it was like to hang out with the original quakers
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    Anyone For Cereal?

    I have been using porridge for about 7 years now and it completely changed my energy when lifting weights
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    Any bikers in the house?

    The Spirit of those who want to ride is different. Most people stop after they have enough cash for a car or they carry on because they are part of a gang or Club. For me me the isolation of riding was like touching my cor
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    Clever inventions

    I am all four very simple life. But but the boiler that generates hot water in the morning so that you can stand under a shower for 20-minutes is one of the greatest luxuries. A coffee press is also very special. And then the motorcycle
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    Any bikers in the house?

    Some of my best journeys were on a bike that was not appropriate the weather was a mess but the Spirit of just wanting to travel and not letting circumstances pull me down was more powerful than any engine
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    I can't stop being so..

    Hope u are feeling stronger today
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    Sinful lust or normally functioning hormones?

    As a guy I know I was given only beatings for sin younger. What I didn't get was on advice on how to cope. But now I have seen the others from my church did not decline. So there must be lessons to learn from them. I'm sure there is a huge wealth of wisdom to be shared. I'm trying to heal...
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    Random game.

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    Any bikers in the house?

    Its a great way to travel.
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    The Power Of Faith And Belief

    I often find that scientists simply want to avoid the spirit within them. When I sat and had a detailed discussion with an academic one thing was abundantly clear, he wasn't willing to discuss his feelings and even give his feelings the place to flourish and be recognised