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  1. T

    Is Jesus the son of God?

    The thread was : Is Jesus the Son of God? What is all this talk about who raised him from the dead? Start with John 1:1 and John 1:14 and go on from there.
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    Jesus, being the form of God, said to Jews "you have not seen His form." Why?

    There is only one good book on this subject and that being the Bible.
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    Three Gods or one? Explain the Trinity.

    "Hear o Israel, our God is ONE" . Well what about Jesus? Jesus is the WORDS OF God made flesh John 1:14. Well what about the Spirit? The Spirit is the Spirit OF God. Well who is the Father? the Father is the will or headship by which the other two are in complete harmony with. There is only ONE...
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    What is sin?

    1st. John 5:17. ALL unrighteousness is sin...
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    What was Jesus saying when He said "you must be born again"

    Conversion is of a SPIRITUAL change. Before conversion our spirit was dead to God in trespasses and sins. The "washing by the word" is the gospel message received by the unbeliever, Ephesians 5:6 and Titus 3:5. The born again experience completed, is the forgiveness of ones sins by God, the...
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    Which Delivered Us from the Wrath to Come. (1Th 1:10)

    The judgement of God is: "the wrath of God against all unrighteousness". It is graphically recorded in Revelation 20: 11-15. The tribulation period is just that- the tribulation period. One should look up words, and their meanings and application, in Vines or Strong's concordances whereby the...
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    Resisting temptation.

    May I add, if referring to Matthew 16: 22,23. that Jesus turned toward Peter, but addressed Satan's SUGGESTION, TO Peter, that Christs' sufferings and resurrection should not take place. Jesus did not address Peter but the Devil. The Devil cannot make us do or say anything, but he can, and does...
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    For those who read the Bible....

    Put it this way: Salvation since Christ's resurrection can only be found in practical terms, in the New Covenant. Paul says that the New Covenant was hidden before Christ, and included salvation for the Gentiles. He goes on to say in Galatians 1: 11, 12. that the New Covenant included a vast...
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    "God loves everyone" - false

    It's a given that God loves the world, John 3:16, but the thread title should be "Does the world love God"? There lies the answer.
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    Does the Law promise eternal life?

    Faith has always been PROVEN by obedience. Believing the Gospel, and then acting upon it, (Ephesians 2:8 regarding the New Testament and the New Covenant in Christ). But the question is in regard to the Old testament under law, (summed up in the 10 Commandments). Here, scriptures such as Lev...
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    When did death come into the Earth?

    The death spoken of to Adam in the Garden of Eden, was that of a spiritual nature. Adam and Eve were made innocent and represent the lineage of God's people. They fell through disobedience, (not from eating an "apple"). OUR story begins here, and is separate from any other.
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    Where did evil come from?

    You have made the Word below your intellect and your intellect and reasoning above it. Isaiah 45:7 tells us, through the prophet, that God created evil, and that, for his purposes. Isaiah 45:7 and I quote: "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all...
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    Are We Using Epesians 2:8-9 As An Excuse to Do Nothing?

    Ephesians 2:8,9. but the next verse, 10, answers your question. It would seem many people are confused regarding context, and read only a verse but the subject is left hanging. As the saying goes, "A Text, (verse) without a context, (the subject it is placed in), is a pretext, (open to error).
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    Why do denominations exist? Which modern one would Jesus attend?

    "STUDY, to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, righty dividing the word of truth". 2Tim. 2:15. There lies the problem. People want the quick answer and will go to commentaries, or church teaching, or personal interpretations. Only the word of God is true and...
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  16. T

    Why do denominations exist? Which modern one would Jesus attend?

    OK. First, there is only ONE church, the body of Christ, of whom the Holy Spirit at the moment of repentance and conversion baptizes a believer into. Denominations exist because of interpretational bias. Attend Church for fellowship and learning, but be aware, only the Word, righty divided is...
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    I think that Genesis 1:1 stands alone. That is, it tells us who the creator is that made all things. Genesis verse 2 does not connect with the beginning, but at a time of man's appearance eons later. Man is 6,000 years in residence, but the planet appears very ancient, and from the beginning...
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    Where did evil come from?

    If one spanks a child, there are two venues at work, but one act of disobedience that brings them about. The spanking in itself is "evil" yet the motive, purpose and intent is honorable. To bring judgement for bad behaviour may seem wrong in it's carrying out, yet the judgement is honorable...
  19. T

    Where did evil come from?

    Sin is evil. Evil is sin. Evil then is the opposite of right. "All unrighteousness is sin". 1st John 5:17. Or 1st John 3:4 Whosoever COMMITS sin, transgresses also the Law: for sin, is the transgression of the law. Evil is something that one DOES in opposition to what is right. It is not a...