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  1. Krumbeard

    trying to find a date? bah humbug

    What an excellent thing to do!
  2. Krumbeard

    trying to find a date? bah humbug

    Nothing! I'm such a wonderful person that I want to share with someone else. It would be selfish to keep me all to myself! 🤣🤣🤣 Enough of that nonsense.
  3. Krumbeard

    Ask the user below you a question

    Maybe Nero? Do you think we really landed on the moon?
  4. Krumbeard

    "You can't make this stuff up!"

    Okay, here goes. After my wife died I called the social security office to make an appointment to get her records changed and to get the kids signed up for survivor benefits. They asked for my SSN over the phone when making the appointment. Several weeks later I went to the appointment and...
  5. Krumbeard


    Hello bondservant, I am sorry for your loss. You may never see this but I lost my wife in the summer of 2016 and we have five children. I know the loss of your best friend. No need to rush getting rid of things. I recently started attending a griefshare group. You can look them up online to...
  6. Krumbeard

    Can a man love ONLY ONE woman?

    Well said! Thank you.
  7. Krumbeard

    The Star Wars: Episode IX Teaser is out!!! Discussion Thread

    Another one? Are they beating a dead horse?
  8. Krumbeard

    How many close friends do you have and how old are you?

    I am 42 and would say that I have 8 close friends not including siblings or parents. My wife was my best friend. I miss her. I share pretty deep with those 8 friends and some siblings and parents.
  9. Krumbeard

    Are You Romantic?

    There may be more talent than you realize! 😁
  10. Krumbeard


    I have read through some of this thread. It scares me that a person can find any advice they want about a particular situation on here. I was married for over 14 years till the Lord took her home. They were not easy years and I entertained the thought of divorce more than once. But I did take a...
  11. Krumbeard

    trying to find a date? bah humbug

    There seems to be a common thought on here about serving God but telling him our desires about finding a mate. I think this is a great way to think and live, although not always easy. It was suggested to me by a good friend to join a dating site/app. I did to see what it was all about. I don't...
  12. Krumbeard

    Broken Dreams

    So true! How I say I want to trust God but am afraid all too often that he won't do it my way and mess it up. It is hard to trust God. But he works in very strange ways even when we don't trust.
  13. Krumbeard

    Hi, I'm Beth. I will be 41 years old next month, a widowed with one child. I would like to meet other Christians online for Christian discussion.

    Hi Beth. I am sorry for your loss. I am widowed also. I hope you have been able to work through your grief. I am new here myself.