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  1. DaughterofGOD1625

    What if you die before water baptism?

    And again I say I do not have an issue with all that you've said but the question asked was if you died....DIED BEFORE being baptised would you be saved..... That said I stand by my perspective and you by yours and it's all good. Do have yourself a great day 🙂
  2. DaughterofGOD1625

    What if you die before water baptism?

    I do not have an issue with all that you've said but the question asked was if you died before being baptised would you be saved, and ref my answer which was: "Also Acts 16:31 "BELIEVE on the LORD JESUS CHRIST and thou shall be SAVED you and your household." Believing is what saves not...
  3. DaughterofGOD1625

    Foreplay before mariage

    And it is sentiments like this that make me have a problem with Christians and the Church on a whole. And trust I'm a HOLY GHOST filled believer, but we can't put our heads in the sand like Ostriches. I say this as an Aunt, as a Believer and as a Counsellor whose job it is to talk to folks about...
  4. DaughterofGOD1625

    Would you date yourself?

    It took me quite some days to ponder on this question, I love doing self introspection from time to time 😁, and my answer is yes....I would date me. Not gonna do any horn tooting on my behalf, but last evening after having a discussion with a very good male friend of mine it dawned on me I'm a...
  5. DaughterofGOD1625

    Please pray for My Sister's family please

    Thank you, GOD bless you 🙏🏾. I feel so blessed right now, GOD knows what we need and when we need it. I can't say thank you enough for the support from ALL of you. You guys have been a blessing.
  6. DaughterofGOD1625

    Please pray for My Sister's family please

    🙏🏾GOD bless you richly Chosen....thank you so much ☺
  7. DaughterofGOD1625

    What if you die before water baptism?

    Also Acts 16:31 BELIEVE on the LORD JESUS CHRIST and thou shall be SAVED you and your household. Believing is what saves not baptism. Quite frankly I know tons of persons who got baptised and no lie as soon as they got out the water went back to their bad habits. Thankfully many of them fully...
  8. DaughterofGOD1625

    What if you die before water baptism?

    The thief on the cross wasn't baptised : Luke 23:39-43 New Living Translation 39 One of the criminals hanging beside him scoffed, “So you’re the Messiah, are you? Prove it by saving yourself—and us, too, while you’re at it!” 40 But the other criminal protested, “Don’t you fear God even when...
  9. DaughterofGOD1625

    What are you listening to?

    Here's something that might be a bit different for you guys Nigerian blessed
  10. DaughterofGOD1625

    How is Everyone Holding Up in the Winter Weather?

    Cameron I think youd be a fantastic P.R officer for Talljake, you guys are hilarious 😄😄😄😄😄
  11. DaughterofGOD1625

    How is Everyone Holding Up in the Winter Weather?

    Well Im from the caribbean so it definitely set off a winter vibe for me 😄😄😄😄😄 it made me want to experience at least one winter weather before JESUS' arrival 😄
  12. DaughterofGOD1625

    Do you think finding a spouse is more difficult now than in the past?

    Totally agree with ya, I no longer complain when GOD closes a door because I know it's for my good and the same applies when he opens it. ☺
  13. DaughterofGOD1625

    Would you date yourself?

    Good one 😆😆😆😆😆
  14. DaughterofGOD1625

    Do you think finding a spouse is more difficult now than in the past?

    Yes Gojira, 🙂 sometimes you just have to say to each his own and leave people with their own opinions, especially if they're being stubborn about it. These days if someone tells me the sky is pink, but I'm seeing its blue I dont stress to debate, discuss or argue.... I simply say ok with a smile...
  15. DaughterofGOD1625

    What are you listening to?

    Yep up until 2019.....😊.....then a life altering situation happened and I stopped, but I still thank GOD. Leading people in worship is a tremendous assignment that is not to be taken likely.
  16. DaughterofGOD1625

    What are you listening to?

    Yes sang in the choir and was even a worship leader.....
  17. DaughterofGOD1625

    What are you listening to?

    Ohhhhh my this took me back....way back to my choir days 😃😃😃😃 and I sang the lead back then tooo....oh my word....blessed memories