Seeing the suffering that many people go through whether it be on a personal level or individuals in a faraway place through electronic mediums, definitely raises doubts. Theologians throughout the ages have written many treatises on the subject. Most are not satisfying or comforting.
Overinflated numbers? *facepalm*
There's nothing overinflated about the infections and deaths cause by covid in the US. Much of those could of been prevented if Trump acted with haste instead of letting his arrogance and dishonesty get in the way of protecting lives.
One thing I've learned that I wish many of my friends did before entering a a marriage or LTR. Another person should complement your life....not be the primary focus
I have dated A LOT of females since I was a teenager, searching for the one.
Out of of all of them, there were two that I truly loved and would have considered marrying.
I would love to experience that king of passion again....if it's possible.
Marrying a believer is no guarantee of marital bliss. But being with someone that shares your values and world view increases the odds of long-term success in realtionship.
That's a long list. But I'll start with one....
There's this belief that Muslims are emigrating to western nations due to a diabolical plan to take over the West. Most Muslims migrate to North America and Europe for economic reasons like most imigrants.