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  1. oksana123

    Belt of Truth

    What a great post. I think wearing the armor of God is very important. As I read all the different parts I thought about how all of the peaces are so important. if your missing just one piece belt of Truth or breastplate of righteousness, Sandals of the Gospel of Peace. the Helmet of Salvation...
  2. oksana123

    The Game of Life

    Wow I'm sorry you had to go through that. You must be a very strong woman to be bringing up 5 children. I hope that God gives you strength and brings you joy. I'm sure there are many more happy years ahead. I keep having to remind myself that this was just a chapter in my life and God has a lot...
  3. oksana123

    The Game of Life

    I've been having a really hard time the last couple of years. I was married to a man who constantly put me down and cheated on me. I was afraid of what people would say if I decided to divorce him so soon after the wedding feeling like it was my job to be patient and pray for him. I stayed in...