I know this is not a good situation, Levi. I’m praying for God’s help and guidance regarding the orphanage girls. May He bless you with a new phone at the earliest.
Hello, sister. It's great to hear that you got an offer for your house sale yesterday. I’m praying for God’s help, favor and guidance. May His grace and peace be upon you in the days ahead.
I’m very sorry to hear about your situation, Levi. I’m praying for God’s intervention and wisdom in these complicated circumstances. Grace and peace to you and yours.
I’m sorry you’re facing struggles at your job, Maur. I’m praying that God will intervene, provide help and guidance as you look to Him.
Psalm 50:15 Then call on me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory.
I’m saddened to hear about your struggles, Tasha. I’m praying that God will work in a powerful way in your lives. I cover you with the precious blood of Christ and declare His glory as you trust in Him.
I’m very sorry to hear about your marital struggles, friend. I’m praying, asking our Heavenly Father to comfort you and your husband daily with evidences of His great love and compassion (Lamentations 3:22-23). May He give you wisdom and guidance as you trust in Him. Also, it might be helpful to...
Thanks for sharing these encouraging thoughts, Lloyd. I’m praying that God will provide for all your needs and work in a powerful way in your life. Grace and peace to you.
I’m praying that God will work in a loving way and draw you closer to Himself. May He bring healing and sustain you with His strength as you trust in Him.
It’s good of you to share with us about this special person. You are to be commended for your heart of concern for her. I’m standing with you, asking God to draw her closer to Himself, and fill her with the strength and peace only He can bring. May He bless you in a special way to minister to...
Hello, friend. There is no love quite like that of a parent for a child. That is why the Scripture so often pictures God’s compassion for us in these terms: “As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him” (Psalm 103:13). This same care and concern...
I’m praying that God will surround you with His infinite love and draw you closer to Himself. May He provide for all your needs and help you with your studies as you trust in Him.
I'm sorry to hear that you are very sick. I’m praying for God’s healing and strength upon you. May you sense His hand of grace and comfort as you look to Him, Vio.