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  1. BibleloverBill

    about forgiveness

    Christian Bulliles Rosa A. Hopkins Yesterday at 6:00 AM · Christian bullies take everybody’s energy. They add a weight to what you’re already going through. They'll claim to just be speaking truth but are as a clanging gong or a crashing cymbal. They are lacking in love. Their theology does...
  2. BibleloverBill

    Why is saying "I'm sorry" not enough?

    there are bully theologian "Christians" in this site. More than in Facebook. Christian Bullies Rosa A. Hopkins Yesterday at 6:00 AM · Christian bullies take everybody’s energy. They add a weight to what you’re already going through. They'll claim to just be speaking truth but are as a...
  3. BibleloverBill

    Why is saying "I'm sorry" not enough?

    I never said that I am never not sorry. I said that is not enough and that the phrase was never written in the Bible.
  4. BibleloverBill

    Why is saying "I'm sorry" not enough?

    For Proverbs 17:17, 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Friendship (by Bill Stevenson) Note: This is my adaptation of the “A Friend” list (which I did not write). As you read it, think about you in relating to your spouse or, if you are not married, in relating to your best friend. I believe that only...
  5. BibleloverBill

    about forgiveness

    yes and many many spiritual essays and Bible study tools with Holy Spirit help starting in the Fall of 1974.
  6. BibleloverBill

    about forgiveness

    You are very wrong. Throughout history God only had a small group of followers compared to the world population. Are you a Universalist. The Lake of Fire will not purify Hitler and other tyrants. Not even Pastor Joe Smith.
  7. BibleloverBill

    Last person to post wins!!!
  8. BibleloverBill

    about forgiveness

    You don't read carefully from the beginning of this discussion. God shows that there are people He doesn't forgive throughout the Bible, like in the last half of Romans 1. And Jesus Christ did not forgive most of the Pharisees, only three that we know of. And there are Christians who demand...
  9. BibleloverBill

    about forgiveness

    It was about forgiveness and about when forgiveness is not done.
  10. BibleloverBill

    Why is saying "I'm sorry" not enough?

    You are a false accuser and not Christ-like. I will ignore you from now on. 2 Timothy 3:5
  11. BibleloverBill

    Why is saying "I'm sorry" not enough?

    Do you want to live Biblically or not? Many who say "I'm sorry" just do that to keep friendship. There is no confession of wrong or change to righteousness. I was married to 2 women like that. Why should they want to change if they don't think they said or did anything wrong? Saying "I'm...
  12. BibleloverBill

    about forgiveness

    ***The Apostle Paul wrote a lot of verses that indicated Holy Spirit urged discerning/warning judging. And check what 1 Corinthians 6:1-11 says. I look for the good in others and in churches, but The Holy Spirit helps me to realize wrongs and sins to at least do intercessory prayer about...
  13. BibleloverBill

    Why is saying "I'm sorry" not enough?

    You have a pride problem. God hates such. There is good information in those folders for anyone. I am 72-years-old and have kept learning and changing daily. I will obey 2 Timothy 3:5 in relation to you.
  14. BibleloverBill

    Why is saying "I'm sorry" not enough?

    It was actually for that other person. But they are good Bible study tools for anyone.
  15. BibleloverBill

    Why is saying "I'm sorry" not enough?

    "I'm sorry" is not in the Bible. "Repent" is. So many say that they are sorry and even include "for whatever". Confession and change to righteousness is Biblically required.
  16. BibleloverBill

    about forgiveness

    God's Wrath on Unrighteousness Rom 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, Rom 1:19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. Rom 1:20 For since...
  17. BibleloverBill

    Why is saying "I'm sorry" not enough?

    Hope-- split-up version-- ETRSF (20 pgs.)-- Waiting For and On God-- ETRSF (7 pgs.) -- WFOG suggested answers (2 pgs.)--
  18. BibleloverBill

    Why is saying "I'm sorry" not enough?

    *for Counseling Ministry-- (a) about God thinking about us-- (b) spiritual assurances and advice-- (c) facing common challenges--...
  19. BibleloverBill

    Why is saying "I'm sorry" not enough?

    You are welcome and share them and more: Very Important Teachings in John 13-17-- ETRS (7 pgs.)-- Interesting Spiritual Acronyms-- Version 2 --
  20. BibleloverBill

    Last person to post wins!!!

    (c) facing common challenges--