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  1. Endoscopy

    Three Days and Three Nights

    In antiquity and today in Isreal the day starts at sunset. I traveled to Israel on business several times and witnessed this. Please get hour historical facts correct keeping in mind the Gospels and much of the Bible takes place in Israel. Egyptian views are a red herring about how Israelites...
  2. Endoscopy

    Three Days and Three Nights

    You keep trying to state the topic of the thread," Three days and three nights ", is not for the time in the tomb. How idtiotic is that?? Your logic is in error.
  3. Endoscopy

    Three Days and Three Nights

    When something is a parable the Bible clearly states that. Trying to turn the only sign given to the world is not real, that Jesus was the Messiah, is absolutely in error and goes to undermine what Jesus is and said. Therefore a very antiChrstian concept. Thus makes me question if you are a wolf...
  4. Endoscopy

    Three Days and Three Nights

    I tried to quickly add the following to the post. I got a very stupid error message about needing to make a valid post. I tried to add the following to the start of the post. The Gospels each have discussion about the crucifixion and they each have some of the sequence of events. They need to...
  5. Endoscopy

    Three Days and Three Nights

    There is the weekly Sabbaths and the yearly Sabbaths. Passover for example starts and ends with a Sabbath. Therefore preparation day is not only on Friday. Jesus was crucified the day before the second Passover Sabbath. Keep in mind he and his disciples were in Jerusalem celebrating the first...
  6. Endoscopy

    Three Days and Three Nights

    While correct you can make the simple complex.
  7. Endoscopy

    Three Days and Three Nights

    I have posted the 3 days and 3 nights being full days and nights several times. Then another person comes along trying to modify what the Bible plainly states about the time in the tomb. Very puzzling why they try to change what the Bible explicitly states. Some try to make it Friday afternoon...
  8. Endoscopy

    Three Days and Three Nights

    You are ignoring what the text says. Why is that? It is very explicit!! 3 days and 3 nights, no more or less. He was placed in the tomb on Wednesday late afternoon before the second Sabbath of Passover and rose on the late afternoon of the weekly Sabbath. The tomb being empty Sunday morning...
  9. Endoscopy

    Three Days and Three Nights

    ROTFLMAO Trying to avoid the facts as presented in the Gospels!! For me facts in the Bible trumps peoples wishful thinking on Biblical topics therefore being right on topic. You can't change what the Bible states. I defined what the Bible says about the 3 days and 3 nights as the thread title...
  10. Endoscopy

    Why is the end times so important?

    Your statement didn't imply that!!
  11. Endoscopy

    Three Days and Three Nights

    Long winded documents when the facts do not need long winded statements. First, there are weekly Sabbaths and yearly Sabbaths. Second, Passover Week starts and ends with an annual Sabbath. Third Jesus was crucified during Passover Week. Thus the Sabbath he was crucified before was the second...
  12. Endoscopy

    Three Days and Three Nights

    A couple of the Gospels refer to the Sabbath as a high day meaning an annual Sabbath.
  13. Endoscopy

    Three Days and Three Nights

    For those who question the 3 days and 3 nights they are not reading the accounts of Crucifixion very well. First item is there are weekly Sabbaths and yearly Sabbaths. Jesus was crucified during the Passover week. It begins and ends with an annual Sabbath. Look it up on the internet. The...
  14. Endoscopy

    Three Days and Three Nights

    You seem to be confusing history with parables. The Gospels and Acts are history. From your posts it seems you are not a Christian. All Christians understand 3 days and 3 nights in the tomb was the sign of Jonah. That is the proof of him being the Messiah. Jesus stated the only sign of him being...
  15. Endoscopy

    Why is the end times so important?

    I am 71 years old and have heard and read many different self proclaimed prophets and those who think they have solved prophecies in Daniel and Revelation. Every one forcast events in the near future. None came to pass. One group following one of them them sold everything and donated the money...
  16. Endoscopy

    Why is the end times so important?

    Here is a list of the flaws of the KJV. Why do you keep using the now flawed KJV translation. The language and understanding of nature has changed over the 400 years since then. There are words that are no longer used. Do you know what a gold ouches is? KJV Issues Here is a list of problems...
  17. Endoscopy

    Why is the end times so important?

    Tell them Jesus said only the Father knows the date. Certain prophecies have taken place but others haven't. The abomination that causes desolation needs to take place most likely in the temple. The religious Jews are in the process of readying the site for the new temple. Excavations have...
  18. Endoscopy

    Why is the end times so important?

    You have a flawed third argument. There are 613 laws scattered through the Torah. Are you saying you keep all of them? It seems I remember a verse stating all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Jesus also stated the law is in place until the heavens and earth disappear. Sin is...
  19. Endoscopy

    Why is the end times so important?

    ROFL How many threads are you stay on the original topic??
  20. Endoscopy


    I've heard it all be for!! I agree with it!!!