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  1. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    in Christ Himself there is no sin and never was and never shall be .. we are to strive to live in Christ and the Father and Holy Spirit and they will live in us .. BUT no unrepentant sinner can live in God and God will not live in any unrepentant sinner .. the focus is repentance .. only those...
  2. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    I am a true believer and I love Christ and I try to do what He commanded us to do IF we love Him and that is to keep His two great commandments .. thus, I do expect to have eternal life in Heaven BUT I realise that such will only happen IF I repent when I sin and I still do sin .. I do not wish...
  3. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    yes, sin is sin is sin and all sin leads to death UNLESS one genuinely repents and God reads hearts so knows how genuine one's repentance is .. Christ died for nothing IF heaven is going to be able to be full of unrepentant sinners .. do not sin but if you weaken and give in to sin, repent and...
  4. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    nice that someone agrees with me .. any who do not do God's Will and do not repent for such are not going to have eternal life in heaven and why so many think they will boggles my mind .. there will be NO unrepentant sinners in heaven, only repentant ones ..
  5. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    are you saying you never sin? .. seems so and if so, you are a liar and lying is a sin - a very great sin .. oh, and no animal can sin .. only mankind can choose to sin or not ..
  6. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    first of all, Abraham's faith that was counted for righteousness stemmed from his willingness to do God's Will and sacrifice his son Isaac as the Lord commanded .. so, obedience to God's command was a significant part of it all .. Abraham trusted God to only ask what was best .. I never said...
  7. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    I agree with what you wrote .. how can you disagree with anything I said - lol .. just kidding, I truly believe all I say or I wouldn't say it but not all need to agree with me as, of course, you are entitled to be wrong .. again, just kidding .. upon rereading what you said about fulfilling the...
  8. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    so, Christ's death aka payment of debt incurred by sinfulness, means "license to sin and not face condemnation if we choose not to repent" .. first: doing God's Will is required and it is not done by sinning and not repenting .. second: by not sinning, we serve God by sinning and not repenting...
  9. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    sin brings death .. unrepentant sin ensures death .. eternal life will not happen if unrepentant sin exists as unrepentant sin ensures death, not life .. so "conditional" in that OSAS can only be for those who believe and love and NEVER sin or REPENT when they do sin ..
  10. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    I am neither Calvinist nor Arminianist .. I am me .. I believe in OSAS IFFFFFFFF, I choose to remain with God and to do His Holy Will in accordance with His Word and Truth .. at any time, I can wriggle my hand out of His Hand and no one can stop me and I can walk away and never return OR I can...
  11. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Jesus died to PAY THE DEBT DUE FOR MAN'S SINS .. salvation was lost due to sin and then offered again out of God's love but there was a debt to pay for the sin that caused salvation to be lost and Christ chose to pay it for all of us .. and except for the unforgivable sin of blasphemy, all sins...
  12. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    first comes faith .. then comes loving and obeying .. obedience is obedience, not works .. we must believe Jesus is the ONE and ONLY Way to eternal salvation .. then we must love Him or be accursed .. He said Himself in John, "IF you love Me, [THEN] keep My commandments" (love God with whole...
  13. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    not sure what that has to do with what I replied but I shall go with it .. lol .. we choose to be with and stay with God or to never go to Him or to go to Him and then leave and maybe return or never return .. we make such choices and we enjoy or suffer the consequences of our choices .. God...
  14. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    I don't recall who sarcastically questioned "eternal life is not eternal life? - good to know" (paraphrased his/her wording) .. first: there is eternal life and eternal death .. both are choices each of us make .. God knows what He wants but will not choose for us .. if one lives according to...
  15. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    I agree 100% .. how can one deny God and still be with Him in Heaven for eternity .. doesn't even make sense, does it .. God will not force anyone to come to Him or to stay with Him .. He allows us to choose to come to Him and hopes we shall choose that and He allows those with Him to choose to...
  16. M


    We can choose to tolerate the tolerable but must never choose to tolerate the intolerable .. concerning the latter, one example would be what lil_rush was saying .. I know of nothing in God's Word that says one can not claim to be homosexual .. eunuchs were such .. the sin would be in practising...
  17. M

    I am confused

    hi Denise .. God bless you .. hi Adstar and Deade .. you are the only ones I saw .. hope I didn't miss anyone .. God bless all
  18. M

    I am confused

    If you wish to give me your website url, I shall check it out .. I am not giving my website url out until I am ready to make it public again which I hope will be by September
  19. M

    I am confused

    Thank you, deade .. yes, my website is Christian .. its primary theme is Chrislam and how dangerous such is for Christians .. I will also have a theme about OSAS as I believe it to be and other things such as Thoughts, Blessings, Interest Articles, Questions .. and there is a simple chatroom ...
  20. M

    I am confused

    Thank you, Magenta, and very beautiful pictures