Hello Nehimiah6,
There is no reason to smash the biblical teaching summed up by TULIP as it has stood the test of time and been held as the truth of God in all the historically Confessional churches. Because you and a few disgruntled persons, do not understand it, is no reason to turn from...
The Spurgeon Library | Particular Redemption
The doctrine of Redemption is one of the most important doctrines of the system of faith. A mistake on this point will inevitably lead to a mistake through the entire system of our belief.
Now, you are aware that there are different theories of...
You lack the ability to articulate any objection of substance. You now attempt to appeal to an out of context verse given to OT. Israel, as if it has anything to do with this topic. I will soon be able to use you as an example of what not to do, on my new web site.
We can be free and confident when we pray for sinners as we ask God if those we pray for can be given eyes to see and ears to hear.
Salvation is of the Lord and He will save each and one the father has given to save.We do not know who He has purposed to save, but we know that he saves sinners...
Election Was the subject of this thread. the thread is not addressing the Gospel of the Kingdom. Your accusations are quite foolish. I can almost guarantee you do not understand what you think you do.
It sounds as if you know next to nothing about church history. That does not make you a bad...
It is not about choice. All men choose sin. It is about sinners loving their sin, rather than God. You are another that does not grasp the biblical teaching. Instead you make emotion based posts, that have little to do with scripture.
It looks as if you need to study the biblical teaching as Jesus and the Apostles taught this very teaching.
Making random unbiblical statements about satan is not getting it done. Here is a newsflash...We are speaking about the biblical teaching of election in this thread. Did you even read the...
31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
God made everything good. All men sinned and died in Adam/All were born in the realm of death.
From my web site
Reformed theology at its best not only tells us that our only hope for salvation is in God’s electing grace, but it goes on also to answer the question, And what does God elect us for? In addressing this question Calvinism moves from the passive voice—God doing to us and for us...
This format leaves "holes" in the discussion.
The biblical teaching of election and predestination has already been established in Romans 8,9, 10,. It carries over. rom8:28-39.
Now take a few minutes, read these three chapters several times. See the flow of thought. Then you will understand...
It does not use the term born again, sanctified, justified, redeemed , foreknown, adopted, or anything else either.
Does that mean these items do not apply unless they are listed in every verse??? I do not see the term trinity, so is that at issue?
Not quite sure where you get these dark ideas from. No one has said or even hinted at what you say.The subject of the thread was not dealing with your rebellious daughter, or your finances, was it? The issue looks as if it is your attitude towards truth.