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  1. M

    Today I hear most Christians say they are waiting for the rapture and won’t see or deal with tribulation.

    Today I hear most Christians say they are waiting for the rapture and won’t see or deal with tribulation. They love hearing scripture from soothsayers that says they won’t face damnation. They don’t like the few of God’s people who might try to give forewarning. Trying to wake them up just...
  2. M

    Its was election time in America and all the world will be effected by its outcome

    Its was election time in America and all the world will be effected by its outcome. How can we be aware and stand against evil in the majority sum? With a lot of the Body of Christ asleep and so divided in the most part, Most of us talk about little things instead of what’s important at this...
  3. M

    The World’s People are about to have their true natures and identities unveiled.

    The World’s People are about to have their true natures and identities unveiled. Three of the four horsemen have already arrived and now in our cities is the one they called Pale. Divide and conquer is really a good way to defeat your opponent. They are like a frog in hot water and don’t even...
  4. M

    Spiritual Elders and Teachers not always giving the right advise.

    Spiritual Elders and Teachers not always giving the right advise. Forgetting to tell the Church to repent in order to follow Christ. So most serve two masters thinking its OK under Grace. Putting the scales of justice of right and wrong in a incorrect place. Change is in the wind, and...
  5. M

    The World is Being sent into Babel Oh no, what to do?

    The World is Being sent into Babel Oh no, what to do? If there is Water tampering in the cities, no more food at the stores, who knew? I have been warning People to Value each moment and not waste their time. Will someone tell on you or will you tell on your neighbour if they don’t walk the...
  6. M

    When the fast-food lifestyle of our society disappears.

    When the fast-food lifestyle of our society disappears. Will the people in the cities know how to feed themselves or will it only be violence and fears. When there are so few enjoyments left anymore, and many tears. When the only real hope for Mankind is for Christ to reappear. Will God’s...
  7. M

    Ostriches are said to sleep with their heads in the sand.

    Today I hear most Christians say they are waiting for the rapture and won’t see or deal with tribulation. They love hearing scripture from soothsayers that says they won’t face damnation. They don’t like the few of God’s people who might try to give forewarning. Trying to wake them up just...
  8. M

    Under grace If you encourage and use a technology that eventually reveals itself to enslave mankind.

    Under grace If you encourage and use a technology that eventually reveals itself to enslave mankind. Will you still be able to enter Heaven or will you end up being left behind. A stern warning was given to those who put stumbling blocks in front of God’s little One. Better a fate to tie...
  9. M

    Forgive me Lord for those that could not be swayed

    Forgive me Lord for those that could not be swayed. Woes and Tribulation for all that could not leave this erroneous lifestyle and walk away. The message I was given was mostly rebuked and mocked Now at a minute past midnight on their clock Woe, woe, woe to the earth and all its inhabitants...
  10. M

    Dear Lord please forgive us of our sins and help guide us throughout this day

    Dear Lord please forgive us of our sins and help guide us throughout this day Write upon our hearts the things you would want us to know and say Please Lord prevent us from the hardening of our Hearts Guard over it Lord and command Satan to depart And that if another was in search of light...
  11. M

    How sad for God’s People it will be on that day

    How sad for God’s People it will be on that day When all that took part in Babylon will have to pay To deal with the many plagues she so rightfully earned Thinking that what they do is sinless, is an error in pride, why haven’t they learned. To take part in anything that can defile you or...
  12. M

    Let me introduce you to the future and the elites course of choice.

    Let me introduce you to the future and the elites course of choice. It’s involves the image you stared at for years and learnt to obeyed its voice. It’s studied, collected and guided your thoughts for decades without opposition by most. It initially was the source of great knowledge and our...
  13. M

    Are you a builder, are you a player, what do you spend doing with most of your time.

    Are you a builder, are you a player, what do you spend doing with most of your time. Wasting it instead of being a part of the solution, would it be considered to our Lord a crime? Do you realize the internet is a strong delusion and cell phones are a part of the plan. How long can the...
  14. M

    There is a place where all our time is at hand

    There is a place where all our time is at hand A division line drawn, which side to stand? The entropy accelerates, the common sense apparently gone There is talk of going to another planet before Mankind corrects what is wrong Do they really think their sin and judgment won’t follow them where...
  15. M

    Everyone was Kong Flu Fighting

    Everyone was Kong Flu Fighting Against a man made virus release dates timing Small businesses will be removed and the economy brought to the ground The medical profession pushed past its limits bounds The secret weapon the Corona virus 7 crowns One for Confusion another for strife Next a crown...
  16. M

    Grave warning of understanding, (a different View than most) can this be true too?

    5g technology come from years of research in many areas and many layers. They have been studying mental emotional frequencies for decades, having refined the technology to be able to artificially create hatred, rage, agitation, confusion, de-motivation and even talk into your mind delusional...
  17. M

    Grave warning of understanding, (a different View than most) can this be true too?

    This will be my last inspired poem for this forum: Mankind has given away the time of God’s Grace Their invented artificial toys and light a slap to his face The message wasn’t properly received this time Falling asleep We are way past the toll line We murder innocence, go in to space and stare...
  18. M

    Grave warning of understanding, (a different View than most) can this be true too?

    If I'm talking about something you serve without recognizing it for it true identity, you probably won't like the Message and would reject it. Most Christian people have married the world and become lukewarm for God and serve Two Masters, and this Message is babble to them. Understanding doesn't...
  19. M

    Is man allowed by God to space travel?

    Thank you all for baring you hearts on this matter, I can see why most Christians don't get into discussions of this nature. All the greatness the internet could be for the wisdom that can be obtained. Unfortunately as a teacher I know the best way to teach a student nothing is to give them...
  20. M

    Is man allowed by God to space travel?

    Psalms 115:16 16 The heavens are the Lord's; but the earth he has given to the children of men. I don't see the Heavens offered to man here, only the earth. Then the tower of babel Then there is the example of Lucifer Finally there is Satan and I guess were not able to agree on...