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    CRA Christians in Recovery (anonymous)

    So, my weekend...wife went out of town to visit grandbaby. Alone, I thought a drink or two won't hurt. This was around 0800. I had two, all I can think of is God wacked me in the forehead "Hey big dumb head what are you doing"? I put it down, and I can remember the weekend. I know it's not...
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    CRA Christians in Recovery (anonymous)

    So aware of his promises, some of my back ground. Grew up on a farm, 23+years in the Air Force. 1/2 a BA in pastoral ministries from Liberty University, which really means I don't have that paper saying I studied the Bible in My wife and I have been back in church now for 2...
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    Can secular rock songs be used for evangelism if one changes the lyrics?

    Powerful! I will definitely look more of his music up. I don't like falling down, get so mad at myself.
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    It is Finished- Petra

    Have many Petra albums, one of my go to bands.......
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    Can secular rock songs be used for evangelism if one changes the lyrics?

    Michael W. Smith.....Have listened to him since high school......Blood Good, Petra, White Heart, now Crowder, The Rez Band...Amy Grant, Degarmo and Key, Messiah Prophet (Master of the Metal, only 1 album ever, but good Christian metal). Magenta....please keep me in your prayers....not a...
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    Can secular rock songs be used for evangelism if one changes the lyrics?

    Has anyone listened to a Christian group called the "Apologetix" ? Along the lines if Weird Al, they take modern and old rock and change the lyrics to match Bible verses or teachings. Just a thought.....
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    U.N. Sculpture
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    U.N. Sculpture

    Excellent talk by Jan Markell, Hidden in plain view, what are we so use to that we don't see?
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    Girlfriend said that if not in a relationship she would have sex with a stranger for $10 million depending on the person. Red flag?

    I am a year late and a dollar Having been in a marriage that indulged in fantasy to excite our sex life, later that fantasy became reality which in turn led to the demise of a 19 year marriage. Don't play with speculation and fantasy, you two need to get into church, get right...
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    CRA Christians in Recovery (anonymous)

    Giants----what we all face in one way or another-----God be with me today I need your strength and guidance, Abba, how I love you. Like David, we need to see past our Goliaths and realize we serve a God who can bring down our toughest foes. It is when we are out of options that we are most...
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    Cross dressing problems

    Romans 3:23 - For ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God. The strife of two natures (Jekyll and Hyde) Romans 7:15 - I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. John 14:6 - Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no...
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    CRA Christians in Recovery (anonymous)

    I get the concept as I lost the flavor for a very expensive cigar habit.......Started that some 15 years ago, haven't had one in 3 or 4 years. Don't seem to miss them.... Once again, thank you for your encouragement.
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    CRA Christians in Recovery (anonymous)

    Good Morning, So my yesterday was maybe a minor victory for me. A lunch w/o drinks, yet two drinks at the end of the day. Not a buzzed night, not a can't remember last night. Woke w/o a headache, I know this is a better way of living. The years I have abused drinks has definitely caught up...
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    CRA Christians in Recovery (anonymous)

    Magenta, Thank you for being so transparent for me. I truly believe God is doing some kind of work in my heart, I feel broken! In basic training the recruit is broken down, emotionally and physically only to be built back up not as an individual but as a team. Your squad, company...
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    CRA Christians in Recovery (anonymous)

    I am still struggling with completely putting the whiskey down.....I have gone up to 30 days w/o. Funny, step one says admit a problem, sadly I can't say that right now. I a praying that being open and honest here will give me the strength in my faith in Jesus that I can end this addiction...
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    CRA Christians in Recovery (anonymous)

    Thank you for the inclusion..... I attended an AA meeting once, knew of the step program. Looked it up online, step 1admit a problem and we have no power over it! I have been journaling that one step for months now. Have I gone back to the meetings, not yet. I am very aware of needing to be...
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    prayer for the day

    Abba, Father, thank you for being with us during out mountaintop experiences as well the valleys of our faith. Thank you for patience and understanding. Thank you for giving us glimpses of your glory - for equipping, encouraging, and inspiring us in our daily journey. May your work, your...
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    The Weight

    It's where I'm at right now.... The Weight I feel the pain, aches, groans of my bones, deep to my soul. My soul which I have tarnished that which I have burdened so heavily I am bent and old from carrying the weight for so long -- yet I'm so young I set it down, leave it behind...
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    CRA Christians in Recovery (anonymous)

    This is what I needed today! Thank you for your journey, thank you for sharing....Thank you!
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    Just Approved and Hello

    Thank you all for the warm welcome....I truly look forward to seeking and sharing my pathway with my creator and savior. It has never been a smooth path, mostly due to my actions, addictions and succumbing to temptation. Yes, I know that I can all things through Christ who strengthens me, and...