Search results

  1. AllenW

    Who is an anti-christ?

    The Bible says in the end times there will be many anti-christs, and we already have many anti-christs. They will deny that Jesus is the Messiah. Is there anything else? Could a church make a Statement of Faith that says "you must be born again" but then preach and teach and live something a...
  2. AllenW

    Is not believing the Bible a conspiracy?

    Times have changed. Today, people no longer believe the Bible because of various factors. I'm surprised because God has never told me to stop believing his word and to believe something else instead. Science has changed people's beliefs probably more than anything. Genesis can't be true because...
  3. AllenW

    Can a So-Called Cafeteria Christian be a True Believer?

    Will Spherical win again against the entire forum or will someone rise to the occasion and top him? Stay tuned for the final sequel of "The Great Debate".
  4. AllenW

    Dinosaurs Never Existed!

    Deep down in the middle of the South Pole is a big hole in the Earth. If you go down into it, you will never come back. But it is said that it is a beautiful paradise down there, and it's very big. Is that why people never come back?
  5. AllenW

    Dinosaurs Never Existed!

    Plastic man, found in India, estimated 6 million years old, give or take a few minutes.
  6. AllenW

    Can a So-Called Cafeteria Christian be a True Believer?

    Is this a cafeteria Christian?
  7. AllenW

    Spy and deflate

    There are conspiracy theories everywhere!
  8. AllenW

    Flat Earth Controversy - A Challenge to Spherical's Cosmology

    Here is a round and flat Earth, courtesy of the United Nations. It is their symbol.
  9. AllenW

    Pictures - How To

    I want to load pictures onto the forum from google. All the pictures are too large. How do I make them fit? Thank you.
  10. AllenW

    Look how awesome this is!
  11. AllenW

    Hi y'all from Florida

    Hi, I'm AllenW and I'm glad to be here. I'm a 31+ year Christian and I am not new to forums. But my friends invited me here so here I am. I enjoy a good debate with open minded people. I must admit I have difficulty with those who know it all. I certainly do not know it all. I hope I have some...