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  1. M

    Questions about prayer

    If you can give me a Bible verse about this topic that would be helpful. But we all need to connect to Christians at a time or another in helping understand these things, especially me being a new Christian.
  2. M

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Yes I will continue doing research around this topic because it has affected me in the past. Thank you
  3. M

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Sorry I accidentally responded with the message you originally responded to and I wasn’t able to delete it. Here is some information I came across the pst hour.
  4. M

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    As I have said Paul grew up in a value system that elevated men above women and Jesus changed Paul’s value system. This allowed Paul to write in his letter to the Galations, of the the equal value of all God’s people. “In Jesus Christ, you are all children of God through faith.. there is neither...
  5. M

    Very concerned about Hebrews 10:26 (New Member)

    Thanks for this response! It also helped me and I needed to hear it.
  6. M

    Very concerned about Hebrews 10:26 (New Member)

    I’m literally going through exactly all of what you said! Felt like you just took everything out of my head and wrote it down. I will have a look at all the reply’s on your thread and see if I can get some guidance with peoples responses. Thank you for posting this!
  7. M

    Questions about prayer

    Thank you for this great response, you have listened to my question and have made me think about some good points you made. I think I have doubt because of so many unanswered questions that I’m not sure even humans can answer. Like are we pre destined ? Or how reliable is the Bible? I have so...
  8. M

    Questions about prayer

    This spoke to my heart!!! Wow what a great response, you have a gift of connecting, touching peoples hearts and helping me understand. Thank you Blain 💕
  9. M

    Questions about prayer

    Thank you for the time you took in responding. You made some great points and I will take time in taking in and reflecting on that. I appreciate it 🙂
  10. M

    Questions about prayer

    There has been much debate about the word religion but by true definition it means (the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods). Thank you for your great response. I am working on my faith I just need a good sense of security around what I am...
  11. M

    Questions about prayer

    These are my thoughts also and I have been focused on connecting with God. But the more I talk to Christians, watch you tube videos or listen to preachers they emphasis the importance of prayers for others.
  12. M

    Questions about prayer

    How can you differentiate if it’s God speaking to you or your own thoughts? I’m a new Christian with not much experience and my mind sometimes wonders into a flesh way of thinking or I even get intrusive thoughts. Will it be clear to me in if it is from God? I heard that your thoughts either...
  13. M

    Questions about prayer

    Yes it does help as I have 3 children and often compare things to being a mother to my kids. It does make more sense when I think about it in this way. Thank you for your response 🙂
  14. M

    Questions about prayer

    What I find difficult around the words “believe” or “have faith” is I need to have a good understanding and security around what I am putting my faith into and seek answers. Even quoting scriptures at times doesn’t feel helpful around my question (if I’m in the right religion) because anyone in...
  15. M

    Questions about prayer

    Tha Thank you for your response. I understand the importance of prayer in communicating and connecting with God, I just still don’t understand around why praying for others is important, as in asking for requests/change from God like I would know what’s in their best interests as I don’t. It...
  16. M

    Questions about prayer

    Thank you for your response. I feel very conflicted as on one hand I’m thinking (God knows all, has a plan and has people’s best interest in mind) if a prayer isn’t answered. But then I see a Christian that has health problems and has been praying for the last ten years with no change and think...
  17. M

    Questions about prayer

    It’s just hard in times of doubt when I ask if I am in the right religion as every religion is faith based. I feel that I am on the right path because when I became a Christian about a month ago I felt the Holy Spirit come into me. That night my eyes opened, I got on my knees and cried out to...
  18. M

    Questions about prayer

    Y Yes this is what I talk and think about every day, this is why I feel like I’m too small to even know the bigger picture or know what is in the best interests of people. That’s why I’m thinking to leave it to God and pray for other things and not request any miracles/changes in peoples lives...
  19. M

    Questions about prayer

    Maybe He wants an increase in my Faith, I’m not sure and can’t try figure out why He wouldn’t when I cry out to Him. Yes I agree and that is correct, that is why I feel as though prayer for others might not change anything as I know He has a plan and does things in His timing, it’s like I don’t...
  20. M

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    I did some research on this a week ago, this is the results I found. Paul grew up in a value system that elevated men above women and Jesus changed Paul’s value system. This allowed Paul to write in his letter to the Galations, of the the equal value of all God’s people. “In Jesus Christ, you...