Search results

  1. Westward

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    No I'll follow him to the ends of the earth if that's what it takes
  2. Westward

    Is it acceptable for Christians to have an unchristian job or career?

    So I should think twice about my career as a stripper...
  3. Westward

    How Would YOU Handle Being Unequally YOLKED?

    The donut hamburger sounds like a death wish!
  4. Westward

    Do you think finding a spouse is more difficult now than in the past?

    I dunno I guess I never bothered to look, I'll go check around and report back to you guys tomorrow
  5. Westward

    How is Everyone Holding Up in the Winter Weather?

    Not too shabby as far as winter goes here on the NC coast. Lows rarely go too far below freezing mark and highs are mid 50s to upper 40s sometimes. Very windy though but we don't have to worry about any blizzards around these here parts
  6. Westward

    When an 80-Year-Old Man Dies and Leaves Behind His 60-Year-Old Wife, Who Will Take Care of Her?

    It's a big part of it. Wouldn't mind going out trying to outrun an avalanche while skiing, something fun like that. Beats rotting away in some nursing home. Maybe I'm just morbid but 60 would be tops for me
  7. Westward


    Welcome agent 007 but the dolphin version of it
  8. Westward

    (Potentially) Profound Thoughts

    There is no future and no past, only the present moment. Focus on what you need to do right now
  9. Westward

    CC Folks Running for Office

    I'd also consider the director of the bureau of arguments
  10. Westward


    Welcome, watch out for falling rocks!
  11. Westward

    CC Folks Running for Office

    It's a tough job but someone has to take one for the team
  12. Westward

    Merry Christmas

  13. Westward

    How much wine is not to much?

    Not sure if you're drinking the stuff with a screw cap rather than a cork but I don't have that reaction. I can have two generous portion glasses and feel just fine just don't have it on empty stomach but with salmon or a nice big steak yum
  14. Westward

    CC Folks Running for Office

    Obviously me. I'm pretty good at ruling stuff