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  1. K

    The Mormon Church

    You say they believe things that they don't. If you are going to talk about them then do it from knowledge? I was a member Mormon for almost 5 years, but not now. I still go to their church for Communion, but study the Bible (KJV) on my own. I had a breakdown, a surgical involuntary Gender...
  2. K

    The Mormon Church

    You answered slanderously, without knowledge. I'm more sympathetic to the Hutterites, but do not have issue with the Mormons.
  3. K

    Jesue's soon return

    In almost 50 years of the Beliefs, it seems clear that I should dwell on loving what God loves and to walk humbly by him. Perhaps (???) we should not dwell on escaping all the pain and suffering that is coming? So many obsess about the tribulation and rapture that it makes all that feel false.
  4. K

    Head covering

    There are lots of places in the world where Head covering is an issue, some do and some don't. Here in America, aside from Muslims, Hutterites , Amish and others do it, but most Christians do not. I wonder how they decided that? In my experience, despite 1 Cor. 11:5 most women do not. It is a...
  5. K

    Best Book to Teach HS Students

    While Shakespeare was a trudge, years later (more than 55) I still remember reading it and complaining. And, I still understand it.
  6. K

    The Mormon Church

    I'm upset that some of you feel entitled to say evil, vengeful things about them that are untrue. Often things that I know to be untrue. Perhaps even more slanderous than the things said about the Muslims. How can you say that you are in CHrist?
  7. K

    Our new relationship to the law.

    Sorry. I'm not trusting some of what I am reading, and it feels odd. I say this as I am sitting down to eat some Digorno Pizza and drink some Diet Coke. I would rather it was Beer. Perhaps I will figure it all out eventually.
  8. K

    The Mormon Church

    So, not talking about Mormons then.
  9. K

    Pork and many bottom dwellers

    My personal choice is to NOT.
  10. K

    Pork and many bottom dwellers

    Pork is similar. Raised in a muddy hog pen, the meat is dangerous. Raised in a clean pasture it is more safe. The risk with uncooked Pork is trichenosis worms and that is often fatal. I avoid it because I feel a bit dubious about the Christian belief in that area.
  11. K

    Needing someone to talk to

    What is going on? Please feel free to talk about it.
  12. K

    Pork and many bottom dwellers

    Despite the popular Christian belief that we can eat anything, Pork really bothers me, though I used to love bacon. I'll have to study more but I think that prohibition includes Shrimp and Crab. :(
  13. K

    Our new relationship to the law.

    It sort of shatters some of the popular "feel good" theology.
  14. K


    I've not thought about it because I can not bear children. I felt that I had no part in the quarrel. Then I saw the scripture.
  15. K


    It is a personal decision and scripture convinced me. Jer. 1:5 "Before you were in the Womb I knew you."
  16. K


    I've been on the fence about it, but now I am against it.
  17. K

    KJV translators weren't KJV only!

    Generally, I use only the KJV, because I am familiar with many of the debated passages. As you say, Bible Hub is there to find others if I need them.
  18. K

    The Mormon Church

    Not being a "born" Mormon, for me the authority is the Bible. I am slowly learning not to mention in Sunday School where the BOM conflicts with the Bible. I am not sure how long I will last there. I was saved in my late 20's in 1974 and was deeply involved in the church, going to Honduras twice...
  19. K

    The Mormon Church

    Looking at my (non-Mormon) KJV, it is the story of Abraham and Sarah encountering Pharaoh. God did not tell him to lie. It appears to have been weakness in his own character that he lied to Pharaoh. All through the OT, humans were not admirable people.