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  1. timemeddler

    Bad experience due to lies

    Liars are everywhere, best thing I can think of is find proof of the truth for when you need it. As for who to talk to, I'd say anyone who's reliably honest who doesn't have anything to gain from lying.
  2. timemeddler

    do people sometimes abuse 1 Corinthians 10:31 to condemn others?

    I've run into people bringing this up when discussing hobbies and activities that to my mind don't violate anything in scriptures, and they can't cite any other verses, (I once had someone used this to argue watching the original Star Wars was sinful). I know we shouldn't put a stumbling block...
  3. timemeddler

    Are There ANY Movies or Shows on Disney Plus That ARE'NT Idoctrinating Our Kids?

    a lot can change in six years. A lot of costumes are uncomfortable. It's comes with the job.
  4. timemeddler

    The Sin of Pride

    I prefer the term "haughty spirit" I also think that's different than pride of accomplishment which I think is okay.
  5. timemeddler

    Demon possession in the old testament?

    wow, didn't think this would become an arguement about revolving the apocrypha. But thanks for the verses.
  6. timemeddler

    2 peter 19-22 understanding

    19 They promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption. For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved. 20 For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and...
  7. timemeddler

    Enjoying life vs. decadence - where is the line?

    I wish people would stop using that as the sole basis for what not to do. I hear people using that argument to condemn perfectly mundane activities(literally square dancing with retired people twice my age) that are not excessive timewise, when they don't have any scripture to back up their view...
  8. timemeddler

    Demon possession in the old testament?

    I got curious the other day, wondering if I could find any accounts of someone being possessed in the old testament, but came up emty. I have to assume it was happening, does anyone know of any reference to it before Mathew? There's accounts of sorcery multiple times and other demonic things...
  9. timemeddler

    Enjoying life vs. decadence - where is the line?

    when it start getting hard to stop whatever it is, time involved is excessive, god convicts your conscious.
  10. timemeddler


    repent, stop ask forgiveness, this one can be a hard one one it takes hold.
  11. timemeddler

    Are There ANY Movies or Shows on Disney Plus That ARE'NT Idoctrinating Our Kids?

    disney, horrible company, I wouldn't have anything to do with them even if I wasn't a believer.
  12. timemeddler

    Are There ANY Movies or Shows on Disney Plus That ARE'NT Idoctrinating Our Kids?

    Um the reason for the taping was because you could see the bra under the costume, would you prefer it that way?
  13. timemeddler

    rocky picture horror show, totally inappropriate for christians?

    A cult film, also commonly referred to as a cult classic, is a film with a cult following, obscure or unpopular with mainstream audiences, and often revolutionary or ironically enjoyed.[1] Sometimes, the definition is expanded to exclude films that have been released by major studios or have big...
  14. timemeddler

    rocky picture horror show, totally inappropriate for christians?

    by trashy cult films, I mean stuff like Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, Star wars Holiday Special, Bad Golf made easier, and other relatively tame movies known for being lousy.
  15. timemeddler

    Why 5g and what is coming is 10g?

    sorry, was refering back to who you were quoting, clicked your post by mistake.
  16. timemeddler

    Why 5g and what is coming is 10g?

    kinda not relevant to the topic, and who would carry a big long piece of metal near power lines anyway, unless you're working for the utility company doing repairs.
  17. timemeddler

    'Turning from sin'

    it's simple, it's a commitment to believe what christ was. with that naturally comes the expectation that your willing to honor his teachings. A new believer isn't likely to know what he needs to repent of right away until he reads it in scripture, it's more of a commitment than a direct action.
  18. timemeddler

    Why 5g and what is coming is 10g?

    not relevant to radio waves.
  19. timemeddler

    Why 5g and what is coming is 10g?

    No one is transmitting at 15 hz, and insulation isn't generally a problem, I've run a few hundred watts at 7 megahertz through normal 14 gauge insulated house wiring for an antenna. Now up at the gigahertz level, things are a bit more particular.