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  1. D

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    Haha you are right, can one tell I don´t really look forward to that assignment ;) God bless you too!
  2. D

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    You are right, one can really benefit from Magentas words.
  3. D

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    I do not think that those verses show Jesus is not God.
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    How is life treating you?

    Thank you so much. Your words, especially the last sentence, honestly nearly brought me to tears. I´m not struggeling with such questions however I will really try hard to keep my eyes on Jesus more. God bless!
  5. D

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    I do not think so! I have a video suggestion for you, it is on youtube and talks about those verses. It is by Savannah Lewie and it´s quite recent, so I think you should be able to find it.
  6. D

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    And I´m grateful that you testified! It is so important that we believers help each other all the time.
  7. D


    Pleasure! Update us when something happens so we can continue to pray for you.
  8. D

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    interesting. Any scripture to prove he has no soul? Doesn´t every human have a soul?
  9. D

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    I was trying to say that he does not have two souls. Apparently I got the meaning of essence wrong there.
  10. D

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    Thanks! Again: your story is very powerful. God is so good and it is such a cool testimony to bring others, myself included, closer to God
  11. D

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    Praise the Lord! That is a cool story! I often find that explaining things to others really makes one think about things more deeply, and that really is a way in which i also have learned more about scripture. Do you have a bit of advice for me as am "in the stupidity of my youth";)? I would...
  12. D

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    Roxana, I pray that you will find the answers to your questions, and I believe that it would be wise if you read the bible for that specifically and prayed about it, too. Unfortunately I need to write an analysis for my English class now, so I can´t keep answering. However, it was very...
  13. D

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    No, he is fully human and fully divine at the same time. You said that same thing in the very first post
  14. D

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    Oh I was wondering and I was about to ask you why you think that. Question resolved;)
  15. D

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    I disagree. And actually you said the same earlier. Jesus essence is that of a man and that of God.
  16. D

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    First of all, thanks for teaching me a new word ;) i´m not a native speaker... Basically, I believe that venerating as you so nicely put it, is right because the bible tells us to. Philippians 2:10-11 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth...
  17. D

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    Yes, it was historically proven that Jesus lived. So he has had a body. If I believe in the resurrection which is the whole essence of Christianity, he after his death rose and still had a body. And then, the bible says he ascended to heaven. He did not stop having a body!
  18. D

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    I do not understand why. As Christians we pray to the Holy Spirit, who very clearly does not have a form or body or whatever. So whether or not Jesus has a body, even though I believe he does, doesn´t make any difference in praying to him. I´m afraid you will need to explain that to me, sorry
  19. D

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    You´re talking about Jesus here right?