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  1. paisleypanther

    Rejecting Homosexuality in all its Expressions Without Hurting or Judging Others is Vital to Being a Christian in Good Standing

    Yes, in the same way God can deliver someone from proclivities toward addiction, pornography, and lustful thought lives. He can do it, but that doesn't mean it always happens. What I mean to say is that while God surely can deliver someone from whatever their thorn is, that doesn't mean He will...
  2. paisleypanther

    Rejecting Homosexuality in all its Expressions Without Hurting or Judging Others is Vital to Being a Christian in Good Standing

    A homosexual person giving their life over to God will not suddenly feel no same-sex attraction. Everyone is tempted by sin and that's something none of us can deny. If a Christian's thorn is same-sex attraction and they aren't giving into temptation, who are we to judge? God can give someone...
  3. paisleypanther

    Why are you single?

    Mental illness is definitely a hot topic now. However, just because mental illness is being diagnosed more doesn't mean it's suddenly more common. A lot of mental illness went undiagnosed in the past the same way a lot of physical conditions went undiagnosed. More than a million people are...
  4. paisleypanther

    Why are you single?

    I had a pretty awful relationship a year ago. That experience and mental health issues have convinced me that I'm not ready to be with someone. There is a guy I've liked for a while now but I don't think it's fair to get involved with him because I'm already struggling on my own.
  5. paisleypanther


    The Bible says that when we repent of our sins and ask God for forgiveness, He washes us white as snow. Psalm 103:12 says "as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us." Like other posters have said, God doesn't save us because of anything we've done. No...
  6. paisleypanther

    I Don't Like Men

    Dear @VineyardsOfEngedi, I understand your feelings. I don't think your hatred is coming from a place of self-righteousness or anything like that. It seems instead that you have been very hurt by some of men in your life. As women, we are very vulnerable to violence inflicted by men (whether it...
  7. paisleypanther

    coping skills for obsessive-compulsive and anxiety disorders

    Hi everyone! I wanted to make a thread that is a safe space for those with obsessive-compulsive related disorders and anxiety disorders such as general anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety, agoraphobia, other phobias, etc. I am curious about how other Christ-followers cope with awful...
  8. paisleypanther

    How do you talk to your LGBT friends about Jesus?

    One of my closest friends in college is a gay atheist who says a lot of pretty awful things about Christianity (mainly because he doesn't like what the Bible says about homosexuality). I want to talk to him about my relationship with Jesus because he is very depressed and nihilistic. However, I...
  9. paisleypanther

    Discernment in a society that worships youth

    I totally agree with you. Growing up feels like it has been completely accelerated. I don't think there are any specific verses that really address this, but I know there are a lot of verses about God's perfect timing. While many young adults are pressured to do a lot of things (get a...
  10. paisleypanther

    prayer for an uncertain future

    Thank you so much for your response. I am half-way done with my essays and tests and the stress is lessening. I mentioned in another thread that I have been feeling a lot of guilt and self-hatred lately. It feels like I can't stop hating myself no matter what God has told me. I know that He...
  11. paisleypanther


    I love Chris Tomlin, Casting Crowns, and Tenth Avenue North! I haven't listened as much to the others. I will check them out! I hope my suggestions will also give you some new Christian music to listen to!
  12. paisleypanther

    Does God want me to be anti social?

    I think it's a bit more complex than God or Satan wanting you to stay home. As others have said, it sounds like you might have social anxiety. That's okay, I have it too. Being unsocial and staying home isn't inherently bad or good. I think it really depends on what you are doing when you are...
  13. paisleypanther


    I enjoy any Christian music that makes me feel safe. Soft songs that reassure me of God's love and plan for me. I found Enter the Worship Circle on Spotify and I have to say I really love their music. If you ever want to listen to a Christian band that makes you feel very safe in God's love...
  14. paisleypanther

    Emotional burnout

    It's so understandable that you feel this way. I would feel exactly the same if I were in your situation. I have OCD-related issues as well so I totally get it. Struggling with a condition like that is hard enough as is. Have you perhaps talked to a higher-up about your situation? Maybe they can...
  15. paisleypanther

    Good 90's songs.

    Ah yes, 90s music. The 90s sure did have some good music. Here are some secular songs that I find myself coming back to again and again. Some of them are a little eccentric.
  16. paisleypanther

    A quick poem inspired by Psalms

    Thank you so much for such a nice reply... I really needed to hear this reminder right now. Have a blessed day!
  17. paisleypanther

    any geeks in this forum?!

    I actually haven't, but that sounds really interesting! My art history professor kinda treated them like they were just pretty pictures for people who couldn't afford actual flower arrangements and lobster dinners. I wanna read about this symbolism!
  18. paisleypanther

    Condemning Voices

    They're really great! I haven't listened to those yet but I will definitely check them out :D
  19. paisleypanther

    any geeks in this forum?!

    I definitely agree. Sometimes I wander on there out of curiosity. I always wind up regretting it :oops:. It's unfortunate too because it could be a really good platform for aspiring artists. Surprisingly, I find a lot of great artists through Instagram. It's good too because Instagram has...
  20. paisleypanther

    Condemning Voices

    I'm glad these words were able to give you some comfort and advice. Remember that you are fighting the good fight and God is fighting alongside you! I am praying that you will be able to find peace and joy today! Another song I just recently discovered is Surrounded by UPPERROOM. I hope you'll...