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  1. K

    Why I'm getting the vaccine.

    Perhaps you could take it down a notch too?
  2. K

    Why I'm getting the vaccine.

    You can only rule the life you have. You can not dictate to others and they might make a choice that you don't like.
  3. K

    Why I'm getting the vaccine.

    I have no TV, so no Fox News, and gave up on shouty churches. If a Pastor starts shouting, I leave. I try to read scholarly articles on various issues from credible institutions. I don't think anyone is saying that the vaccines are really good. I was just talking with my Doctors office at the...
  4. K

    Why I'm getting the vaccine.

    That is your choice. I was reading in another blog where people seem very paranoid about it all.
  5. K

    Why I'm getting the vaccine.

    Being a Veteran with COPD, I got the Pfizer vaccine very early. The development of it was very rushed and I have experienced lots of side effects, but they appear to be over now. I don't understand why people would not get it but it is their choice. In my reading, I have seen that these...
  6. K

    Is Michael God?

    So lets just love each other in Jesus the Christ? I search but am not lost. I study Archeology and try to find the mind of the old ones. Right now I am hung up in Genesis 5 and have lots of research to do. I love detective work because it keeps my mind occupied. One of my questions is not vital...
  7. K

    Is Michael God?

    I define Jesus as the Son of God but you do not like my not using your buzz words. At least I am reading the Bible through again and on my knees praying several times a day. The Church abandoned me but God and Jesus did not. I had a serious illness that they saw as my being deep in sin. Many...
  8. K

    Is Michael God?

    You judge me, why? That is for God alone. I came out of a really judgmental church. We are not to judge one another. The experiences of the years have often driven me to my knees. I reject your idea that Jesus is God incarnate, but lots of folk mouth the idea. I take Matt 3:17 literally, and I...
  9. K

    Fearing God

    Prov. 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. I am not sure how to reconcile the difference between this passage and walking humbly beside God in Micah 6:8.
  10. K

    Is Michael God?

    You can't know my heart, God does.
  11. K

    Is Michael God?

    For me, Christianity gets lost in buzz words, and clichés and to me loses its meaning. I don't think that Jesus intended to start another belief system, but to instruct the Jews. Much of it plays out in the Book of Acts. I think that Paul was a bit obsessive, over cooking things at times. In 1...
  12. K

    Is Michael God?

    You think I said things about the Mormons that I didn't. I merely said that the members I have encountered have been very nice. I said nothing about their killing. Though, I do know about the Mountain Meadows Massacre. That is old business and they have done lots of soul searching over it...
  13. K

    Is Michael God?

    The laws in the OT seem insurmountable don't they? The so called 10 commandments seem simple enough, but to me it seems that I have violated them all and had to repent, sometimes again and again. I think that the Jews try to observe 613 Commandments. For me, that is a mystery. Perhaps they are...
  14. K

    Is Michael God?

    I'm not always sure. For now it means being obedient to what I know.
  15. K

    Is Michael God?

    How do you walk humbly beside God?
  16. K

    Genesis 4:5

    In the past, I've just read this and not understanding it, passed it up. Does this mean that God likes Cattlemen, and not Farmers? I've heard others confidently offer explanations that made no more sense to me.
  17. K

    Is Michael God?

    How do you think we express our love of God?
  18. K

    Is Michael God?

    I wonder if the best we can do is to follow the OT. After being in a very complicated belief system and in their eyes failing, I do my best to follow Micah 6:8, loosely it says to love Justice and Mercy and to walk humbly beside God.
  19. K

    Is Michael God?

    I love God and Jesus the Christ. I have failed often and sometimes in spectacular ways. I know what it is to seek forgiveness from others and not get it. I have accusers in my life and hopefully that keeps me humble.
  20. K

    Is Michael God?

    I have heard the Priest of Salem referred to as a 'type' of Jesus the Christ. I have some rather uncharitable feelings about that sort of thing. But, that sort of thing is best kept to myself.