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  1. G

    Is anybody listening to me?

    The really important thing to keep in mind is that other people can't read our minds..... we have to put things down in writing, and clearly and fully enough to be understood, for them to know what we are trying to say.
  2. G

    Is anybody listening to me?

    Sorry! Wrong THREAD
  3. G

    Is anybody listening to me?

    Lanolin, You could be looking at a very real possibility. Have you ever read the book, THE APOCALYPSE OF ABRAHAM ? It speaks a lot of the attitude and mindset of Abram.
  4. G

    Is anybody listening to me?

    Having taught REBT for decades, I know, all too well, the consequences of being unaware of not only our own perceptions of things, but also of the perception that others might come up with.
  5. G

    Is anybody listening to me?

    You already know, SS, the element of society I have worked with for years, and I really thought I was being quite reasonable in the way I explained how that many things we say can misrepresent us to others. I guess it is just better not to say anything.
  6. G

    Is anybody listening to me?

    Thanks. Those comments were a good Saturday morning chuckle. "We don't have to word things in any certain way." and "We don't have to be PC." But let some poor unsuspecting Newbe come on this, or any Christian forum, and say something they think is ok, but that is "unacceptable" to the...
  7. G

    Is anybody listening to me?

    I think you said it all when you said you agreed that you see how someone could take it differently than you felt when you wrote it. So, isn't it wise to revamp it a taste, if you, yourself. say you could see it being misconstrued?
  8. G


    Whatever. Welcome anyway. You may be the first person I have ever met with "discernment"...…. even though I have met hundreds and hundreds who are sure they have it.
  9. G

    I Don't Like Men

    Hey! Just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean the whole world really ISN'T out to get me.
  10. G


    Uh.... are Catholics allowed to "discern?" I thought the Pope did that for them?
  11. G

    Is anybody listening to me?

    Now, how about you returning the favor, and post the link to whatever thread it is that you think I was so wrong in. (Thanking you in advance)
  12. G

    Is anybody listening to me?

    You're welcome. And please don't think disagreeing with some of your posts is "nitpicking."
  13. G

    Is anybody listening to me?

    Go read that thread I referenced. That thread showed me that this was not someone I would be too interested in "following." Is there anything wrong with that? I said nothing about it. Not one word. But, along comes this thread started, asking if anyone was listening to the OP. I simply...
  14. G

    Is anybody listening to me?

    No, I can see by post # 38, nothing has changed.
  15. G

    Are You a Correct Believer in Jesus Christ?

    Are you sure you know what you just said?
  16. G

    Are You a Correct Believer in Jesus Christ?

    "Theology' is man's study of God. I doubt that God ever had to study Himself.
  17. G

    Are You a Correct Believer in Jesus Christ?

    That is exactly what I said. All the Theoligicaally Correct people are lined up solidly behind the man/men who invented their particular, esoteric Theology.
  18. G

    Are You a Correct Believer in Jesus Christ?

    Considering the multitude of "Theologies" floating around, I want no part of being considered to be "Theologically Correctly" following the dictates of another man, or group of men, who invented one of those theologies. So far, mine is the only vote in the poll that happily and thankfully...
  19. G

    Is anybody listening to me?

    I read the "You get to be boss" Thread, Lanolin, so "No" I honestly don't rush to read too much you have posted since then. (Has something changed, that might make me want to reconsider?)