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  1. Musicus

    I.C.E. vs Mark 9;42 & Matt18;6

    You don't seem to know what's going on, tantamount to cranial silica entombment, so I won't address most of what you said. But what I bolded and underlined above is exceptionally dim viewed. These issues still exist around the world, and it is still on Christians to do something about it, no...
  2. Musicus

    I.C.E. vs Mark 9;42 & Matt18;6

    First, yes, you took Matthew 18:6 out of context, but I think it shows a distinction that children must be protected, and I think that's sort of more what you mean, no? Take special care of orphans and widows etc. Regarding the Central American migrant caravans, some facts seem to be in order...
  3. Musicus

    One World Gov't

    Sounds good. I don't think I care now. I couldn't read it, that's why I asked.
  4. Musicus

    One World Gov't

    What in tarnation is it? (and what's the Ghandi quote in your signature about?)
  5. Musicus


    Reading Lamentations lately?:)
  6. Musicus

    Will you go to Heaven?

    Sure I have time. I know there's more to it, but that's kinda my point. Paul didn't write everything he (directed or influenced by the Holy Spirit) had to say to everyone. So I found that I need to take this from here, that from there, etc., and put it all together for the whole picture. I do...
  7. Musicus

    Will you go to Heaven?

    If you do evil, [you are not in Christ], and you get the wrath of God and everything that goes with it. If you do good [you are in Christ] and you get eternal life. Just because Paul didn't explicitly connect doing good with being in Christ here doesn't mean it's not implied. These verses also...
  8. Musicus

    Will you go to Heaven?

    A group is putting merit in the same boat as obedience. Got that. Faith alone regeneration theology, logically concluded, is antinomian. Got that. (I just have a silly peeve about people sticking 'ism' on words that don't need it) Are you saying these two ideas are related? Or that they are...
  9. Musicus

    Is faith a reliable way to know truth?

    I'm sad for you, I don't what else to say, except I hope you will again notice the many reasons to believe. I hope God touches your heart about something, because you'll find that science and logic don't have all the answers.
  10. Musicus

    Will you go to Heaven?

    This doesn't make grammatical sense; could please restate? (antinomian is also an adjective, no -ism needed).
  11. Musicus

    Is faith a reliable way to know truth?

    We all may believe for many different reasons, but the bottom line is that if you don't you get eternal damnation when you die. Even it were to turn out to be not true do you want to take the risk? Especially when eternal life is free? So again, what happened that you no longer believe?
  12. Musicus

    Is faith a reliable way to know truth?

    But if you were really a Christian before, than you must have believed in God then, so what changed?
  13. Musicus

    Will you go to Heaven?

    I will never lose salvation, because God promised it, and God doesn't lie. And if I spill milk on the rug (my euphemism for sin) I won't get kicked out of the house for it, but I know I better say I'm sorry for it (and mean it!), and God still may give me a whippin'.
  14. Musicus

    Is faith a reliable way to know truth?

    Why don't you think you're still a Christian?
  15. Musicus

    Is faith a reliable way to know truth?

    Hi Renate, welcome to CC:) Why not find a Christian church around where you are? Talking to someone in person may be helpful in answering your questions. I can tell you, though, that first and foremost is your willingness to believe that Jesus Christ is real, that he's the only Son of God...
  16. Musicus

    Catholic Church

    I'm curious, do they still go to Catholic churches, and if so do those churches not answer to the Vatican? Or do they go to Protestant or other churches and still call themselves catholic? because I have never met any of them, though I admit I have never hung out with Catholics to begin with.
  17. Musicus

    ISIS created by Hillary and Obama

    You're funny. Read my post above yours for when it was started. Bush didn't invade Iraq until 2003. Bush did use them, but he didn't create them.
  18. Musicus


    Flat-Earthers will just say these where photoshopped or something. They've either never been there to see it for themselves, or if they have they make up some pseudo-science to explain it, because they don't want to admit what is true. Miri, calling them flat-liners is like calling them...
  19. Musicus

    ISIS created by Hillary and Obama

    Can't answer for anyone else, but why would we believe that? I would hope Christians worldwide seek truth, which doesn't support your speculation. ISIS (or ISIL) was started by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, in 1999, under a different name (Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-jihad), under Bill Clinton's watch. Is...
  20. Musicus

    Is the national debt a national sin?

    Borrowing money itself isn't a sin. Reneging on a debt may be sinful though. Sin is tied rather closely to money to begin with. There is such a thing as national sin. God spoke of Nineveh's wickedness as if Nineveh were an entity, similar to how governments treat corporations. Israel sinned as a...