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  1. Silverwings

    A local pastors advice troubles me...

    Concerning the baptism , it is your faith that saves you not baptism. To be baptised is to be obedient to the Lords commandments. It is understandable with you being a new Christian that you are anxious about it, but my suggestion is to rest in the Lord, continue to read his word, drawing...
  2. Silverwings

    A local pastors advice troubles me...

    #1 Nobody has a right to say who is and who is not a Christian. #2. You may never be in complete agreement with a pastor (or your pastor) #3. If you disagree and are not comfortable listening to this pastor, maybe it is time to seek another church?Especially since you said you briefly attended...
  3. Silverwings

    Here I am

    If you do not get the answers that you need from this forum, or from prayer, maybe it would be helpful to seek therapy?
  4. Silverwings

    Here I am

    Father God I pray for this your child, Lord she is hurting now, and very conflicted, please help her to settle her feelings, and to hear from you correctly, help her to find the answers she is needing, bring her your peace, help her to make no move until she is sure what she is supposed to do...
  5. Silverwings

    Written Prayers ~ Do They Count?

    I absolutely do love to journal my prayers from time to time. I enjoy going back and reading thru them, it shows how much progress has been made in my growth, and just how many prayers he has answered, it is truly enlightening. There was a prayer a couple of prayers apps that I subscribed to...
  6. Silverwings

    20 Years Ago

    It is a heart problem, a sin problem, if we loved our neighbor as ourselves as the Lord requires we would not be having these problems.
  7. Silverwings

    20 Years Ago

    The same problem keeps coming back again and again, will we ever learn? It is not right to discriminate against those of another color. White continue to oppress black people, and black people keep getting upset, can you blame them? What cause riots 1960? Arguably the most significant single...
  8. Silverwings

    20 Years Ago

    20 years ago we did not have to worry about things like BLM, or Antifa, Corono Virus or salmenello, nor looting and burning buildings, or tearing down our historical statues, we certainly did not hate the president, he was held in high esteem, or worry about rigged elections nor did we hate the...