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  1. JesusLives

    A Good Christian Dinner

    Looks like you have good eats where you live. Everyone should be so lucky.
  2. JesusLives

    If we are going to keep the SABBATH the 7th day, in HEAVEN, Why are not people keeping it now ???

    My parents really didn't go to church that I remember. My Aunt took me to SDA church with her kids so that is what I know. Ellen White did not claim to be a prophet. The stance of the SDA church is not in favor of abortion just read a legal document stating such, however, they realize...
  3. JesusLives

    Not By Jerks

    My Realtor friend said to pack up meaning get rid of the clutter and make the house look lighter as in less stuff. So I have been going through our linen closet first so I can empty a closet and put packed boxes back in it. So people can see that there are that many shelves there will just be...
  4. JesusLives

    If we are going to keep the SABBATH the 7th day, in HEAVEN, Why are not people keeping it now ???

    So again I ask you what denomination are you associated with? Did you by chance vote for Donald Trump or did you take the high road and vote for someone closer to being a real Christian with Christian values?
  5. JesusLives

    If we are going to keep the SABBATH the 7th day, in HEAVEN, Why are not people keeping it now ???

    So is it Bash a SDA day/week/month/year? You sure are hung up on SDA's. What is your picture perfect denomination? So we can all join and make it to heaven.
  6. JesusLives

    If we are going to keep the SABBATH the 7th day, in HEAVEN, Why are not people keeping it now ???

    With a stick in the dirt unless of course they had IPads... God did write His law down with His finger in stone but no one pays attention any more.
  7. JesusLives

    If we are going to keep the SABBATH the 7th day, in HEAVEN, Why are not people keeping it now ???

    Then you would have had a hard time in the Garden of Eden with no books or libraries available....
  8. JesusLives

    If we are going to keep the SABBATH the 7th day, in HEAVEN, Why are not people keeping it now ???

    Genesis 2: 2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. sanc·ti·fy...
  9. JesusLives

    If we are going to keep the SABBATH the 7th day, in HEAVEN, Why are not people keeping it now ???

    It must be nice living in your perfect world where everyone but you and your beliefs is wrong possessed or a lunitic. You might want to stay indoors as you don't know what you will encounter when you leave your home. Anyone can google all the negative things they want to find to back up their...
  10. JesusLives

    If we are going to keep the SABBATH the 7th day, in HEAVEN, Why are not people keeping it now ???

    I miss spoke it is not recommended but it is one of the most requested books on the life of Jesus.
  11. JesusLives

    If we are going to keep the SABBATH the 7th day, in HEAVEN, Why are not people keeping it now ???

    PS by the way Ellen White had a lot of accomplishments for a woman with such an injury. Many of us o.k. people haven't done as much.
  12. JesusLives

    If we are going to keep the SABBATH the 7th day, in HEAVEN, Why are not people keeping it now ???

    Not that you will do it or read it...But one of the best books she ever wrote was called the Desire of Ages all about the life of Christ. It is one of the best books on His life and recommended by the Library of Congress. "The Desire of Ages" is like a harmony of the gospels. In it, Ellen G...
  13. JesusLives

    Not By Jerks

    Well shortly a friend will come by and look over the house as she is also a Realtor. I don't breathe as well as I used to and it is hard to get things cleaned up or get the energy to tackle what I need to do to put this place up for sale. No matter what a For Sale Sign will go up on April 1...
  14. JesusLives

    If we are going to keep the SABBATH the 7th day, in HEAVEN, Why are not people keeping it now ???

    Be careful how you determine if someone is possessed with a demon. If you read the Bible they also accused Jesus of being or having a demon.... Only God really knows the persons internal intentions and beliefs and if they put God first in their life or not. Don't know if I would try and make...
  15. JesusLives

    Caption This

    No I'm not taking a bath and you can't make me.
  16. JesusLives

    Caption This

    At the conclusion of the Raspberry blowing contest Ralph's tongue went limp and he couldn't get it back in his mouth. Ralph is now on disability payments. Don't be like Ralph...
  17. JesusLives

    Caption This

    Day Oh. Dayaa Oh. Day light come an me wanna go home....
  18. JesusLives

    Caption This

    It was a peaceful robbery and Bandit couldn't believe he was the one being robbed.
  19. JesusLives

    Caption This

    Winner of the Mini Me Chewbaca contest is Baboo…..