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  1. Artios1


    We may disagree …. but never think you are the cause of division. People (like myself) may have differing beliefs based on biblical records. But the object is to present your beliefs in the manner you deem fit according to the Word of God. If your assessment is proven right …great!…. if your...
  2. Artios1

    Move out or stay at my parents?

    There is an upside and downside to living on your own …. The financial end (as your parents stated) is the downside..... rent, food, car, car insurance, food, renters insurance, utilities (not covered by rent), goldfish (got to have a goldfish) and the miscellaneous things that can add up. The...
  3. Artios1

    The RINOs betray America again

    Not so sure .... there may have been some concession, but the Republican squad got in writing what was necessary for them proceed...including a failsafe if McCarthy does not live up.... ...We should know by Saturday what demands were met....we will see
  4. Artios1

    Revelation 6:1

    Thank you for responding….I kind of thought that was what you were indicating, but I wanted to make sure before I responded. Here is my take on it, which you probably won’t agree with. And maybe I will post a simple graph that clarifies my position. Revelation is future ….If we were in...
  5. Artios1

    Revelation 6:1

    Welcome Stan… I am not sure what Revelation 6 has to do with what you are stating…. So I will ask. Are you stating we are living the events of Rev 6 …or drawing closer to that? The antichrist is here and has been here since the first century… Antichrist is used only 4x in 1Jo 2:18 &22, 1Jo...
  6. Artios1

    Are our souls eternal?

    This is somewhat of a controversial subject. Some people believe that the soul is immortal, while others don’t … and while people may have their ideas on this subject … truth must be sought from the Maker's Words → which He has magnified above all His name Psa 138:2..... not the product → man’s...
  7. Artios1

    Do Angels Sing in Scripture?

    It was a vision as noted in Dan 8:16 Revelation _14:6 was also a vision. Visions are real… but not reality. You can put wings on them if you want …God does not.
  8. Artios1

    Do Angels Sing in Scripture?

    In addition to the Cherubim having wings....there is also Isa 6:2 which speaks of Seraphim’s having wings. But the Bible never mixes these with angels. Angels, whenever in concretion most always are in the form of man.
  9. Artios1

    Do Angels Sing in Scripture?

    You are correct ...they do not sing nor do they have wings.
  10. Artios1

    Christ kept the Law of Moses, so....

    My claim would have been invalid (according to my standards). I have learned ...especially in witnessing and counseling to answer a question with a question a refined sort of way. And of the 113 different questions that Jesus was asked in the gospels … 29 x He answered a question with...
  11. Artios1

    Christ kept the Law of Moses, so....

    For me... Truth (the Word of God) is the only thing that is unchangeable and would be the only thing for suitable for proof. I can quote historian after historian as my back-up. These are smart people and tops in their field, but they are fallible men with world wisdom. I don’t have any more...
  12. Artios1

    Christ kept the Law of Moses, so....

    Can you prove that?
  13. Artios1

    Christ kept the Law of Moses, so....

    I am not an historian, my field of biblical research lies elsewhere. But in my research, I have read several documents regarding the writings of the Word of God. There are, as I stated, many historical documentations regarding the writings dating as far back as the first and second century...
  14. Artios1

    Christ kept the Law of Moses, so....

    I have no problem with the historical and internal evidence on dating …. so it’s not my argument to dispute …you are the one who doesn’t believe it … so show me your proof.
  15. Artios1

    Christ kept the Law of Moses, so....

    Don't mean to cut in ....but how can you refute that statement by Papermonkey → "The New Testament books were written many decades after Jesus." Both the gospels and Acts - Revelation were given by revelation of/from Jesus Christ anywhere from 2-6 decades after Christ was taken up.
  16. Artios1

    Christ kept the Law of Moses, so....

    Sincerity is no guarantee for Truth. There are some who like to put themselves under the law for the feeling of self-righteousness…our righteousness was made unto us through Christ The gospels (the law), was written for Israel … Romans 1-8 is a doctrinal epistle written directly to us… the...
  17. Artios1

    The Holy Ghost: Everybody needs it.

    1Co 12:3 Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost. (SIT)
  18. Artios1

    When is a Persons Last Chance to Make a Last Choice

    You are using the thief and malefactor synonymously….they are different. …but, I don’t want to derail this thread…. Check out my previous post #2 first then #1 if you are interested. …God bless.