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  1. P

    Checkin In

    Thankyou because nightmares are no good :)
  2. P

    Checkin In

    I said ‘Ow’! lol
  3. P

    Angry, can't sleep, need to vent

    I would like to get there one day.
  4. P

    Angry, can't sleep, need to vent

    Freedom is free. One nation, under God. People need to be reminded of their patriarchy at times. Just sayin dude.
  5. P

    Church! What Church?

    This is totally right. Modern day Church.
  6. P

    Angry, can't sleep, need to vent

    I forgot my quote about mental illness...... Oh yeah here it comes: People with mental illness are the people who never gave up on doing their best. They had a reputation and they want to complete it. ⭐️
  7. P

    No angry ant has crawled upon lol

    No angry ant has crawled upon lol
  8. P

    Last person to post wins

  9. 95D221BE-2CA0-445C-8B8A-ECAB19AB2AFF.jpeg


    Enlightenment by Anthony de Mello
  10. P

    can you guys post something funny please?

    I’m resurrecting!! 🤣🤣🤣
  11. P

    Angry, can't sleep, need to vent

    When you said ‘worse than Noah’s days’ i felt a relief because in right judgement IT COULD BE WORSE. So Jesus is coming.
  12. 0E23BBD8-53C1-401E-B777-DFE1C5233154.jpeg


    From : One Minute Wisdom by Anthony de Mello Anyone has read this book?
  13. P

    Checkin In

  14. P

    Checkin In

    Me too.! >•< (((*hugs sis )))
  15. P

    Checkin In

    Tommy is too friendly I think he likes getting in trouble jiji
  16. P

    Checkin In

    Woops! Didn’t mean to laugh there.
  17. P

    Checkin In

    I should’ve named this thread: “A tribute to PumpkinSpice” Lol You guys are killing me :p
  18. P

    Curious about your thoughts

    I unwatched this thread just to watch it again