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  1. Jo2016

    Question about marriage?

    You didn't get my point i mean in US society is easy to get divorce or not? And church there allow it or not I know that movie has a lot of mistakes that's all
  2. Jo2016

    Question about marriage?

    So I think you agree with my opinion Excuse me from this quotation i feel from Hollywood movie that it's so easy in "Europe , and US " to divorce and marry over and over with approval of church. So that means are this church are wrong or make facilities to make christian not convert to other...
  3. Jo2016

    Question about marriage?

    So I think you agree with my opinion Excuse me from this quotation i feel from Hollywood movie that it's so easy in "Europe , and US " to divorce and marry over and over with approval of church. So that means are this church are wrong or make facilities to make christian not convert to other...
  4. Jo2016

    Last person to post wins!!!

    Come on seriously you guys are so immature sometimes
  5. Jo2016

    Last person to post wins!!!

  6. Jo2016

    Last person to post wins!!!

    Click space but I could understand what you said 😊
  7. Jo2016

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  8. Jo2016

    Last person to post wins!!!

    I like gifs too
  9. Jo2016

    Last person to post wins!!!

    Back to school
  10. Jo2016

    Last person to post wins!!!

    Like that ✋or that 👋
  11. Jo2016

    Last person to post wins!!!

  12. Jo2016

    Last person to post wins!!!

    You are welcome 👌
  13. Jo2016

    Question about marriage?

    What is the verse in the Bible said that divorce is approval? If that wrong why there are christians are doing that I'm confused . Who is right who is wrong Matthew 5 (BBE) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ³¹ Again, it was said, Whoever puts away his wife has to give her a statement in writing for this purpose: ³²...
  14. Jo2016

    Last person to post wins!!!

    That's emotions in Android phone like☺😊😀😁😂😃😄😅😆😈😉😯😐😑😬😡😢😴🏠🏪⛪🏦🗿🗼🏭⚾⚽🏀🏁🏈🐎🚃🏂🚕🚖🚛🚢🚡🚠🚟🚞🚝🚜🚣🚁✈🛂🛃🛃🛄🛅🛅♐♒♓🔱🚻🚮🚯🚰🚱🚱📵📵📵📵⚠🈁🆒🔊🔉🔈🔇🔀🔄🔆🔃🔏🔘☑🔐🔐
  15. Jo2016

    Last person to post wins!!!

  16. Jo2016

    Last person to post wins!!!

    Sorry 💛
  17. Jo2016

    Last person to post wins!!!

    Keep searching
  18. Jo2016

    Last person to post wins!!!

  19. Jo2016

    Last person to post wins!!!

    Don't have what?
  20. Jo2016

    Last person to post wins!!!
