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  1. Silverwings

    Violence in America

    Mark Rittenhouse On Aug. 15, 2017, President Donald J. Trump stepped out of the elevator in the lobby of Trump Tower in New York City to deliver a speech on rebuilding America’s infrastructure. The room was full of reporters. President. Trump delivered a very brief message and asked for...
  2. Silverwings

    Please pray for Elijah

    Please pray for Eliijah, he is 18 , an asylem seeker in Thailand, living in one room with the rest of his family for a total of 5 people, afraid to go out for fear of being arrested, a Christian young man, and if that is not enough he has a food allergy, anything that he eats causes him to...
  3. Silverwings

    Praise God for Answered Prayers

    I want to thank anyone and everyone who prayed for my son in law and a friend who have cancer, my son in law's was stage 4 colon/liver cancer, many have been praying for him, and he was sent a prayer cloth which he put in his wallet the day he was going in to hear the latest prognosis, what he...
  4. Silverwings

    Prayers for Haiti

    There is a young couple who are living in Haiti, who are experiencing many difficulties, they have a Christian school, with about 75 children, which they may have to shut down, without a miracle, the wife was the primary source for the revenue for the school, and she recently lost her job, she...
  5. Silverwings

    A Window of Opportunity for All Nations

    Daniel Byzewski with Matt Presley and 95 others. IMPORTANT: A Sign, A Message, A Plea & Petition about This Nation and God's ultimate goal and plan. When God promises you something, it is in fact His very seal of certainty! Let me tell you up front and now: God is about to show us the greatest...
  6. Silverwings

    A Reoccuring Nightmare

    Years ago, I used to have a terrible reoccurring nightmare, that would leave me shaken every time it came, then I got saved, but the dream returned, this time I had ammo, and I used it, I woke up just enough to say, Lord, please take this awful thing away, He did, and it never returned, Praise...
  7. Silverwings

    Should a Christian send a curse back?

    Should Christians send curses back? May 29, 2017 Kingdom's Keys An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. “As he loved cursing, so let it come unto him: as he delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him.” – Psalm 109:17 KJV The way in which we view these verses reflects our...
  8. Silverwings

    Have they Gone Mad??

    Ken Whitley ............................Have they gone mad......................... This may sound political but it is in no way for one party or another .....I have been hearing the last couple days on the radio and on the news about what is going on in this country....Let me say people it is...
  9. Silverwings

    Witches - a true story!!

    Ken Whitley .................................Witch's..................................... I saw a post talking about witches on FB and a few comments that sounded like there was concern ........I want to tell you a story of an encounter with not one witch but several, including a male warlock...
  10. Silverwings

    Major event every 2000 years

    Ken Whitley ..I have not spoke on this but a new star formed and was seen 4000 years ago that was the beginning of Abraham and the promise to Him that Israel would become as many as the sands of the earth....Then 2000 later that star shown again and marked the birth of Jesus it was then called...
  11. Silverwings

    Will Jesus and the Saints rule the earth?

    Will Jesus and the Saints rule the Earth? - The Gospel In The End Times
  12. Silverwings

    Dance With God

    DANCE WITH GOD Author unknown When I meditated on the word GUIDANCE, I kept seeing "dance" at the end of the word.* I remember reading that doing God's will is a lot like dancing.* When two people try to lead, nothing feels right.* The movement doesn't flow with the music, and everything is...
  13. Silverwings

    You were silent when:

    Marlene Peterson Saw this comment and need to share with you. The original poster asked to make this VIRAL!!! I Submit That The Media Be Prosecuted For TREASON, For Creating A Completely FALSE Narrative About Our President Trump. I Have NEVER Seen Such Vitriol & Hatred! We Finally Have A...
  14. Silverwings

    Toxic People
  15. Silverwings

    Mosque takes over Pentecostal Church as Pastor Prays to Allah

    Mosque Takes Over Pentecostal Church as Pastor Prays to Allah — Charisma News
  16. Silverwings

    New Age and the Church
  17. Silverwings

    Signs of Spiritual Attack
  18. Silverwings


    Mothers Beautiful - worth sharing The young mother set her foot on the path of life. "Is this the long way?" she asked. And the guide said "Yes, and the way is hard. And you will be old before you reach the end of it. But the end will be better than the beginning." But the young mother was...
  19. Silverwings

    My King

    The Bible says My king is the King of the Jews He's the King of Israel He's the King of Righteousness He's the King of the Ages He's the King of Heaven He's the King of Glory He's the King of Kings And He is the Lord of Lords Now that's my King! I wonder if you know Him My king is a sovereign...