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  1. Artios1

    Home Sweet... Mortgage...Or Rent. Which Would You Choose?

    From what I hear Tennessee is also getting pretty pricey ....pretty quickly. All the New Yorkers escaping the régime. Just don't get old ....It works for me
  2. Artios1

    The Imperfect Date

    I had a few that were not so great But one I will never forget …a blind date (one and only) set up by my friends, girlfriend. Her cousin was coming into town and asked me if I would go out with her…. When I met her…. she jumped out of the car …and in the deepest Texas accent I have ever...
  3. Artios1

    US Russian Hoax

    The arrogance of Trudeau was off the charts….We only deal with the face of incompetence….”Face of”…. because I don’t know who is pulling the strings on JB And you know there is more to this than what we see …we all have ideas and some are pretty valid…. but it’s so deep…we just keep pealing...
  4. Artios1

    Did Paul sin regularly?

    Interesting that you ask….I looked into that with the same thinking… I am sure I have that file somewhere, but it’s long anyhow…. I will just give the highlights of my conclusion. Knowing that God is spirit and can only communicate with what He is.... which Adam lost when he messed up. So...
  5. Artios1

    US Russian Hoax

    And crickets from "network news".
  6. Artios1

    Dr. Fauci's latest blame shifting

    It is bizarre ….I don’t know if it really computes for people how badly we have been used abused and tossed to the side ....and just how evil ........downright evil these people are....and there is more to come… I keep having to remind myself it’s a spiritual battle…
  7. Artios1

    Dr. Fauci's latest blame shifting

    Funny ....I think the pure bloods have been trying to make that point since the inception.
  8. Artios1

    when will the most evil doctrin in the world get banned on this site.

    I don’t believe anything should be banned when it comes to discussing the Word of God or religious interpretations of the Word of God. Maybe some parameters on certain subjects…. WHY…....There are new believers every day who have questions…..and others who maybe don’t know. The Word offers us...
  9. Artios1

    Did Paul sin regularly?

    There were times in my early days of reading the epistles, I would look at what “Paul said” regarding specific things….I don’t do that anymore. Yes Paul wrote, and Paul experienced the things that he wrote personally about …but... all of the scripture that he wrote was by revelation from Jesus...
  10. Artios1

    Living in the last days?

    Regarding the Falling away, I want to point out something that might shed a different light on that. The King James version reads a falling away…. the Greek text reads hē apostasia….. hē is the article the So it should read or be translated as the departure….not a (ho) falling away. The Greeks...
  11. Artios1

    Living in the last days?

    I think …I don’t know. I base my life on this. “Live life as though He’s coming back today, but plan as though He never coming back” (in your lifetime) We have a walk in Christ Jesus that has been designed for us who are born again members of the body of Christ. People get all tangled up in...
  12. Artios1

    Durham Report is in

    That is so hard to believe Hillary seems so nice and gracious….I don’t know if you can find a person alive anymore who would say anything bad about her.
  13. Artios1

    Time for a very serious thread. What do you like on a burger?

    She loves to hike…so she got that passion fulfilled The meatballs sound interesting, I am going to have to try that when I do meatball subs, I will do at least one that is unmixed with ground beef…. I may like it even better.
  14. Artios1

    Time for a very serious thread. What do you like on a burger?

    Thank you for not booting me…. you have God’s heart of mercy The blend of meats was kind of a whim. Just before covid hit…my daughter bought it, and then decided to go to Alaska for a couple of months and told me I could have it…I thought it was ground beef …then I looked at it…… I know Mary...
  15. Artios1

    Time for a very serious thread. What do you like on a burger?

    I don't have burgers that often...but when I do ....I mix 50% natural lamb ground beef and 50% ground Sirloin together and cook on the grill....well done.... with lightly grilled buttered Kaiser bun. This will probably get me excommunicated ....but plain; just me, the bun & burger.
  16. Artios1


    Welcome Jody Hang in there, Temperatures are getting ready to bust …. I predict an early spring….the heck with whatever the groundpig predicted.
  17. Artios1

    A love lost

    Sorry for your loss... I have lost a few people that were close to me… a couple through suicide and some by other means. One person in particular who I loved very much, and like you, probably would have married ….ended up taking one meant for me… it was absolutely devastating for me. It was...
  18. Artios1

    Devastating affairs

    There are not many things more devastating in a marriage than infidelity …It destroys all trust….. it is hurtful and painful…. to the core. The one thing I can unequivocally state is…. it’s not you! ….Don’t ever let him shift the blame or don’t allow yourself to accept any responsibility for...
  19. Artios1

    What is a Spaghetti Western?

    You are allowed to eat spaghetti in moderation while you watch the trilogy …but the unwritten law is you must wear chaps, a cowboy hat and smoke a little cigar while watching.
  20. Artios1

    Hi, sorry to say I got Covid. Not severe yet but almost.

    Praying for you also.... As Jesusfollower stated.... the following is information on the supplements he recommended (#2) I have never in my life taken supplements .....but someone turned me on to this. And since I am one of the despicable pure bloods...never adhered to mask mandates...