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  1. JTB

    Socalism & Christianity, a perfect match or a complete clash of ideologies?

    No, it's not. For the reasons I listed in my previous post. 1 would be better if the benefits were spread equally among all, but as the last 30 years have shown, the benefits only go to the upper class. Jesus taught to elevate the lower class. Ergo, model 1 does NOT meet Jesus' teachings.
  2. JTB

    Socalism & Christianity, a perfect match or a complete clash of ideologies?

    Neither system does it. Which is probably why Jesus was apolitical.
  3. JTB

    Socalism & Christianity, a perfect match or a complete clash of ideologies?

    Our capitalist health care system is the most expensive, and has the worst outcomes, of any system in the world.
  4. JTB

    Socalism & Christianity, a perfect match or a complete clash of ideologies?

    I make no assumption Government does things well (a faulty assumption on your part). It's pretty evident they don't. But neither do corporations or free will. We give huge tax breaks to the rich on the assumption they'll pass it down and take care of the poor and sick (poor and sick, not the...
  5. JTB

    Socalism & Christianity, a perfect match or a complete clash of ideologies?

    While I believe Jesus was a-political, his teachings were definitely socialist-leaning. Not like the false prophet horde of republicans that claim His name these days.
  6. JTB

    Preparing for war or preparing to go home?

    I never said the others weren't equally guilty of most of these and other things. I'm just noting that because he is against abortion he seems to get a pass on the rest of it. And from your responses I'd say you're not that in touch with the Bible either. 1, 2, 6 don't stop being sins just...
  7. JTB

    Preparing for war or preparing to go home?

    1. Mammon worship 2. Self idolatry 3. Abandoning the sick 4. Abandoning the poor 5. Abandoning foreigners 6. Spreading lies 7. Spreading hypocrisy 8. Marital infidelity 9. Incestuous thoughts 10. Fornication with harlots and minors But you don't see or accept any of these 'cause you've been...
  8. JTB

    Preparing for war or preparing to go home?

    Presidents have been giving lip service to scripture while blatantly going against it for a long time now. 45 was a master at it.
  9. JTB

    Can a Christian lose salvation?

    * 7. But we retain the right to believe or disbelieve Joshua 24:15 But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve Deu 30:19 "I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, [that] I have set before you life and death, blessing...
  10. JTB

    Can a Christian lose salvation?

    1. We are free to believe or disbelieve according to our own free will. Joshua 24:15 But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve Deu 30:19 - "I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, [that] I have set before you life...
  11. JTB

    Hannity admits to lieing to the American people

    Truth used to be the truth. Now it's what you want it to be. There's the 'truth' of the left, there's the 'truth' of the right, and in chasing either we lose the truth of God. Many tho they think they're not.
  12. JTB

    Hannity admits to lieing to the American people

    Ah, spreading the love of Christ again.
  13. JTB

    Hannity admits to lieing to the American people

    You're falling into the trap. You would posit that because someone is against sexual immorality and abortion, it is ok to look the other way when they worship mammon, engage in self-idolatry, abandon the poor/sick/foreigner, cheat workers, and engage in lies and hypocrisy... none of which are...
  14. JTB

    Hannity admits to lieing to the American people

    What's one of the signs? Love growing cold. Your posts show a coldness that is the antithesis of loving. But you can't see it. See, that's one of the problems with deception, you don't know you're being deceived. When you learn how to address those with differing opinions in love instead of...
  15. JTB

    Hannity admits to lieing to the American people

    Not at all unlike your grossly unfair sweeping generalization.
  16. JTB

    Hannity admits to lieing to the American people

    Bzzzzzzzzzz wrong. Christians ought to better engaged with scripture. Then and only then will they see that they are being lied to by both sides.
  17. JTB

    Hannity admits to lieing to the American people

    It astounds me the level to which conservatives will charge the other side with the very things the conservatives are doing. You pretty much know what they are guilty of by what they are accusing others of. The left deceives the world. The right deceives believers. NEITHER DECEPTION IS OF GOD.
  18. JTB

    Hannity admits to lieing to the American people

    One can claim to be Christian all they want. If the fruit doesn't back the claim, it's a false claim.
  19. JTB

    Hannity admits to lieing to the American people

    This. Except I don't avoid news, I watch both sides. CNN takes a kernel of truth and pushes it left, Fox takes a kernel of truth and pushes it right. You can't be ignorant of the times. But you have to know how to find the center. Hiding your head in the sand is negligent - and dangerous. Just...