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  1. L

    Genesis, sons of God, nephilim, and Giants

    Yes, all people today have the capacity to love, and therefore are in the image of love. Prior to Adam and Eve, however, man did not have the image of love.
  2. L

    Genesis, sons of God, nephilim, and Giants

    God is love (1 John 4:8 & 16). To be created in the image of God is to be created in the image of love.
  3. L

    Genesis, sons of God, nephilim, and Giants

    The book of Enoch which I believe to be Gods Word tells us the giants were 3,000 ells in stature. An original ell is believed to be somewhere between 18 and 27 inches. 3 ells would then be somewhere between 4 feet 6 inches and 6 feet 9 inches; about the average height of an individual. Someone...
  4. L

    Genesis, sons of God, nephilim, and Giants

    God created man in His image. God is love (1 John 4:8 & 16), and so man was created in the image of love. The sons of love married the daughters of men who were not of Gods image, but were strictly carnally minded. The offspring mighty men of renown was the result of possessing both the love...
  5. L

    Is Catholocism bad?

    I know what you mean. Galatians 5:15 But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.
  6. L

    Learning To Read Your Bible

    I know exactly what you mean. The enlightenment I was provided when I first started reading the Word was milk in comparison to the greater enlightenment (meat) I now have about many scriptures. I still, however, don't understand why so many appear to avoid a greater understanding of the Word, so...
  7. L

    Please share your thoughts concerning this excerpt.

    A lot of the views described appear in regards to a physical perspective of the Word, whereas I look at most of what is written in a more spiritual context.
  8. L

    Angels in the Bible

    Unfortunately, the devil and his angels currently deceive all mankind according to Revelation 12:9. So, while many of us here on this forum can distinguish better than the general public between the Lords enlightenment and the devils false enlightenment, we still are all fooled to varying...
  9. L

    Angels in the Bible

    I believe God's angel's primary function is to enlighten us. They are the Lord's ministers of fire. (Hebrews 1:7) In contrast, Satan's angels primary function is to provide us false enlightenment. (2 Corinthians 11:14). Hebrews 1:7 And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and...
  10. L

    Does entering into Jesus' rest mean we're to give up the Sabbath day? Is the 4th commandment part of the moral law of God?

    The Lord gave man the Sabbath, so that man could rest from his other endeavors and contemplate on Him and His Way, rather than contemplating on making the shekel great. Amos 8:5 Saying, When will the new moon be gone, that we may sell corn? and the sabbath, that we may set forth wheat, making...
  11. L

    A Very Simple Question

    I can agree with your perspective about both maybe being wrong, as scriptures clearly states we are all deceived by Satan. This means, you, me, and everyone currently have false perspectives provided by the evil one.
  12. L

    A Very Simple Question

    Both. If we share our understanding from what we presume to be true illumination from the Holy Spirit, we then also need to cut and paste scripture supporting our perspective. The reason for this is that we are all currently deceived by the devil (Revelation 12:9), who does this by masquerading...
  13. L

    Know that summer is near - we are now living in the last of the last days

    Summer is when fruit appears, and shortly afterwards when consumed, becomes part with the host. We are the fig trees.
  14. L

    The bible summed up in a single sentence

    That pretty much hits the mark.
  15. L

    (poll) Do We Choose Him or Does he choose us?

    This distinction between those who hate injustice and to oppress others vs, those who love injustice and to oppress others appears throughout the whole book, OT and NT. You then have to use common sense as to who of the two the Lord will have mercy on.
  16. L

    The bible summed up in a single sentence

    I believe the original definition of sin was an arrow missing its mark. When applied to how one lives their life, someone doing something other than what is positive and right, would then miss the mark.
  17. L

    Is Catholocism bad?

    Today I am non denominational, but I was raised Catholic. For the most part, I see a Catholic upbringing on the same level of a Jewish upbringing. The reason for this is that in school the Catholic Catechism taught me to observe the same 10 Commandments, as in Judaism. So to answer your...
  18. L

    (poll) Do We Choose Him or Does he choose us?

    I am aware that everyone has sinned and therefore comes short of God. There is, however, a difference between those who hate injustice and to oppress, and those who love injustice an to oppress. Of these two, I would imagine the sinner who hates injustice and to oppress others, the more likely...
  19. L

    Sweets, Unleavened Bread

    There is analogy in your comparing sweets to unsweetened bread. Sweets are nice when you first consume them, but they have little if any nutritional value. Too many sweets also cause weight gain, and over time are a precursor to diabetes and cancer. In comparison, if one consumes whole grain...