Search results for query: instant

  1. M

    Is Repentance part of the Gospel?

    I think regeneration and faith happen at the same time. I do not think it is one before the other. The instant you believe, you are regenerated. So I do not know the order I am not a Calvinist, but I have talked to Calvinists that believe that faith and regeneration happen at the same time...
  2. M

    Not By Works

    @gb9. The post is in part what I believe about regeneration. And renewal of mind is what causes progressive change of behaviour, at least In part. So it’s obvious I didn’t say what you claimed I said
  3. M

    Not By Works

    I don’t agree with salvation by grace unto good works?!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 That has been exactly what I have been saying dozens of times. Do you want post numbers? I even created a thread called “not of works, but saved unto works” Do you even read posts before you put labels and fake arguments on...
  4. M

    Not By Works

    I said regeneration was instant. I never said anything about results or behaviour which is how you put it in your strawman Saying regeneration is instant and saying outward behavior change is instant is not necessarily the same thing. Straw man
  5. M

    Not By Works

    @Grandpa 110,307 110,305 110,310 110,311 Some of the strawmen GB9 threw at me. You will see that there are plenty of misrepresentations for me to speak of insane, which also means shocking or outrageous strawmen Do you know the rule that when a word has more than one meaning, context...
  6. M

    Not By Works

    Another strawman post And btw, regeneration is instant.
  7. M

    Not By Works

    One of GB9’s strawman arguments. I said none of this.
  8. M

    Not By Works

    I am going to post some of GB9’s posts so You can see how he behaves. @Grandpa
  9. M

    Not By Works

    Yep I corrected his statement that instant regeneration is a big fat lie. I guess since I corrected nothing, you don’t believe regeneration was instant upon faith GB9 even admitted afterwards that it was instant. You’re the only person I’ve ever known who does not believe regeneration is...
  10. M

    Not By Works

    Here is the post I corrected, @dcontroversal. He said the premise of instant regeneration was a big fat lie Since you said I corrected nothing, I assume that you have to wait years and years after you believe to be regenerated, since GB9 wrongly equated it to bearing fruit, and you said it...
  11. M

    Not By Works

    You said that after I corrected you. Here is the insulting and ridiculous things you said before I corrected you. Proved by works is a strawman, by the way.
  12. M

    Not By Works

    Yes, AFTER I CORRECTED YOU, which is after you attacked me and called me all kinds of names.
  13. M

    Not By Works

    ...clear and clear cut as anything. I said that in essence four or five times and was accused of not believing that none of Christ’s sheep will be lost And how about me saying that regeneration is instant upon believing and GB says I said behavior was instant So what’s good for Mac is good for DC
  14. M

    Not By Works

    ...washing of regeneration AND renewing of the Holy Spirit. Palingenessia. Compound noun. From palin- again or anew And genesis- birth or creation New birth or new creation. Instant when one believes. But we are babes, and grow into it by putting OFF the old man and putting on the New man
  15. M

    Not By Works

    I agree with DC his definition on renewal of mind, but we do know that that is not regeneration. Regeneration is the new birth. Renewal is a result of the new birth. One is instant when saved, and the other begins at salvation, but is a continuous process, like sanctification😀
  16. M

    Not By Works

    I just posted new subject you may want to debate, is is What the BIBLE means by ONE BAPTISM. It came from the SERMON we listened to this Morning. I know you have been on Regeneration for awhile, I thought you may want to AGREE TO DISAGREE and go on to a new subject. Sure. I’ll come check it...
  17. M

    Not By Works

    The new creation is the result of regeneration. Like a baby is the result of conception and birth. The Drawing is conception and regeneration is the birth. All performed by God. Once we are born, the process of growth begins. But regeneration itself is instant
  18. M

    Not By Works

    Regeneration is instant upon faith Renewing of the mind begins at regeneration and progresses throughout our life. It is both instant in one aspect and progressive In another, like sanctification. At least that’s what I see in scripture. If someone corrects me on this or anything using...
  19. M

    Not By Works

    Where did I say instant change of behaviour? I believe in an instant change of NATURE, that leads to a progressive, but gradual change of behaviour. ;)
  20. M

    Not By Works

    ...with sanctification? Did you agree with the strawman I’d “salvation proved by works”. Never said it Did you agree that regeneration is not instant? That you are not regenerate until you produce fruit. ( he said for some regeneration is instant, for others it takes time to bear fruit) What...