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  1. C

    God sending People He made and loves to the lake of fire.

    I will again repeat: Yes you must believe. I never questioned that. I have said a few times that it is scripture that every knee shall bow. That every single human being will praise God. On the last day
  2. C

    God sending People He made and loves to the lake of fire.

    I forgot verse 11 1 Tim 4:9-11 9 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation. 10 For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach,because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe. 11 These things command and teach. Am I a bad...
  3. C

    God sending People He made and loves to the lake of fire.

    You should. If you are a human being you saved. Its simply stated over and over and over again. 1 Tim 4:9-11 9 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation. 10 For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach,because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men...
  4. C

    God sending People He made and loves to the lake of fire.

    Heb 2:9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. That does say every man, right?
  5. C

    God sending People He made and loves to the lake of fire.

    You don't find proper context imagining the whole world means part of the world. You end up in a theology that is full of contradictions and it gets so bad they think a loving God casts His own children into eternal suffering. Another huge contradiction.
  6. C

    God sending People He made and loves to the lake of fire.

    Some anti Universalist posted a threat then deleted it. They obviously have a hatred for others who don't believe as they do. And Im not a Universalist. They believe Satan is saved. Instead of reasoning or at least trying to reason they just hate. Its a sign they may have the wrong theology...
  7. C

    God sending People He made and loves to the lake of fire.

    I kinda figured that out already.
  8. C

    God sending People He made and loves to the lake of fire.

    I do understand. Jesus talks about that clearly too.
  9. C

    God sending People He made and loves to the lake of fire.

    Is this the shroom I used to know?
  10. C

    God sending People He made and loves to the lake of fire.

    I'm sorry you went to all the trouble to post all of those. I cant go answer them all at once. If you would like to break it down one or two at a time I would be happy to show you how you change scripture I will start with the first one. You say he will then you say He won't. You 100%...
  11. C

    God sending People He made and loves to the lake of fire.

    So Jesus wasnt judgmental but will become judgmental. That must mean He changes in spite of scripture saying He doesn't. Me? When Jesus says He doesn't judge him, I would wager He doesn't judge him. Jesus doesn't lie.
  12. C

    God sending People He made and loves to the lake of fire.

    And you do the same thing. You take simply stated verses and change them drastically by adding words that fit what you want to believe.
  13. C

    God sending People He made and loves to the lake of fire.

    You don't have to reply to them all. It was not my attention to put anyone through that much work. Only to show how many there actually are that clearly state all peoples saved. Im not upset. I preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ properly. By letting Jesus and the Bible do the talking...
  14. C

    God sending People He made and loves to the lake of fire.

    The punishment for sin is death. As for those the reject Him, Jesus spoke clearly on it. John 12 47 And if anyone hears My words and does not believe, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world. It couldn't be any more clear than that if one was trying to...
  15. C

    God sending People He made and loves to the lake of fire.

    Faith is a gift that is not earned. Saying what you said means God predestined His children to eternal punishment. That would be so Satan like it. A loving God casting His own child into eternal punishment. A child that He formed in the womb. Do you ever really even consider the complete...
  16. C

    God sending People He made and loves to the lake of fire.

    Do you think you can just muscle your way in here and hijack my thread? : ) As I have been saying over and over. This is about the verses I posted appearing to say all peoples are saved. And in my eyes, because I speak English clearly, and I study them, they simply state all peoples are...
  17. C

    God sending People He made and loves to the lake of fire.

    My God loves all mankind. And promises everyone eternal life in paradise. Your god casts most of his children into a fire that burns forever and promises eternal torture.
  18. C

    God sending People He made and loves to the lake of fire.

    But amongst the verses I posted are some that say every person will believe sooner or later. But sense you refuse to read the opening post.... Just saying. Pretty rude to comment on a thread without reading the actual OP. Just saying. Not laughing. very serious. You are treating me...