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  1. T

    Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth.....BIBLE!

    The Good Book does say: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Can children read blueprints? 😊
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    Any readers of The Message, Bible translation?

    I never knew this even existed. I haven’t gave it a good look through yet but reading certain verses in different translations can sometimes make it a little bit clearer. For instance: Matthew 5:3 KJV “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” MSG "You're blessed...
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    I am in need of guidance

    Could not agree more with the, “now I’m ready” mistake.... I believe the correct translation of that emotion is, “I know myself better than you God”. Being patient is necessary for peace and from age 21-30, the heat gets turned up. At least from my perspective.
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    Jeremiah 1:12, was KJV misinterpreted?

    Lol.... I was wrong
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    Jeremiah 1:12, was KJV misinterpreted?

    They didn’t make super hot women back then. 😊 Check the oil paintings bro! JK..... Beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder.
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    Jeremiah 1:12, was KJV misinterpreted?

    I stumbled upon Jeremiah 1:12 today and saw a word that I did not know the definition of, hasten. Hasten - be quick to do something This came from KJV Now upon reading all the other translations, the topic of speed(quick)can no way be interpreted. They all basically reiterate that God will do...
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    Please help finding a verse

    The problem is, I only read it one time and my specific word remembrance is not accurate. I only began reading on the regular about 3-4 years ago and usually topic search when an uneasy feeling is present. In time, I believe I will see it again and when I do, I will revive this post... Thank...
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    Hillsong leader about to renounce his Christian faith

    I understand his thinking. I was someone who use to bounce back and forth between, science and faith. The problem I ran into with science and medicine was, it has always changed through time. Just when a revolutionary discovery is announced, in 20 years, a new one begins and the endless search...
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    Please help finding a verse

    Thank you, very good ones but still not the one I recall.
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    Please help finding a verse

    Thank you all for your replies but none of them seem to strike a chord. Here is a question? Has anyone else believed they read a biblical verse at one time but for some reason, you cannot find it again? Maybe due to the many versions of the Bible OR, maybe you heard something in the spirit that...
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    Please help finding a verse

    I read a verse a while back that talked about someone following their path and how it appeared to everyone around them that the individual was going the wrong way, and to ignore them. I only read it once I believe and my searches have turned up empty. Thanks for any help!
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    Jesus repeatedly saying, tell no one?

    My thoughts are, that each one of us has a destiny. However, following along your PERSONAL path is not going to make any sense whatsoever to another person, at times. Heck, sometimes it may not even make sense to ourselves. (Tell No One!.....They may talk you out of your path) If the fishermen...
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    Jesus repeatedly saying, tell no one?

    What does this mean to some of you? The people ignored his words but I must assume that Jesus knew they would. Is there anything in these verses, that anyone is able to apply to their life and make sense of?
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    Submitting to God’s will for our life?

    If someone submits to this, do they still ask for things in prayer? Reason being, if you are at peace knowing God is looking out for you and knows what you want and need, wouldn’t asking for certain things show just a smidge of doubt? I also recall: Romans 8:26 In the same way, the Spirit...
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    Why is it wrong to be a workaholic?

    ANYTHING out of balance is wrong. What is “balance “, is a personal quest that is learned through living, and usually, by taking something to the extreme.
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    A worthy life, what is this?

    Good question! I am not so sure ANY of us humans have the ability to verbalize, to another person, what is “worthy” by it’s definition. Worthy: having or showing the qualities or abilities that merit recognition in a specified way. First you would have to allow a particular person the...
  17. T

    Are you are middle child?

    I am. My older brother got into a bunch of trouble during teen years soooo, I avoided basically everything he did. I got labeled the, “good” one BUT, I made up for lost time and eventually saw myself as no better or worse than my brothers. Just a different path to maturity. Also, I am 1 of 3...
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    BEAUTY: Is 61:1-3

    I believe that finding the one who is right for us redefines the word beauty. We all can see physical fleeting beauty but, only 2 meant for each other are able to see the deeper, hidden, unchanging, real beauty. I believe when 2 are meant for each other, they are not afraid to be themselves...
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    What we believe,or what God says?

    I agree and found it best to word what you know to be true, in the form of a question. This way does not take the, I am right and you are wrong approach....It opens them up to challenge their own thinking.
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    Judging, the fine line...

    Agree totally. I get the biggest kick out of how newspaper writers give a voice to inanimate things as in, China said _____. Russia wants to ____. Ummm No, how about the secretary of state (whoever that may be) was told by the president to say, _______. The first ignites large scale anger and...