I don't know where to begin if the groups you mention are who you think teach Dominion Theology but no not them. Instead you should look at the Latter Rain,Shepherding movement but they change their name all the time. Pentecostal's, Evangelicals is where I was taught about the Third Wave.
There is that thinking in Dominion Theology where we thought it was not good to speak of that whole dominion aspect especially to a secular type audience because they would see it offensive. In Africa and Asia and many other places opportunity presented itself because of decline caused by both...
Exactly it means something different to the many different Christian groups but the ones rising to power in this are those who think it means one thing while others seem to think something different. Ive noticed this in other Christian forums over the last ten or so years but it seems similar to...
I listened to it but I don't know anything about Carville. He makes good point's but I am surprised he doesn't mention the current friction between Mike Johnson and Marjory T. Greene which is that she thinks Mike is way too soft in his politics. Both of them believe they are to take over US...
They sprang up out of California and Pennsylvania but then Rafael Cruz took it into Texas. Mike Johnson though is not from Texas and is actually in a pretty powerful position so it's not just in Texas.
He is meaning the Seven Mountain Mandate followers are using Trumps political gains to further their own cause because the majority of Christians don't even know who they are or what their trying to do and neither does Trump. Their plan from the beginning was to use Trump to set up a Christian...
If you remember Matthew 24 4-11 there's also those who are going to end up deceived by those false prophets who come in his name that Jesus spoke of. Try if you will but if they haven't heard you so far it seems their not suppose to hear it.
First he said in Genesis 8:22 that as long as the earth remains seed time,harvest,cold and heat,day and night will not cease. In Revelation 16:8-9 men are scorched with heat and they curse the name of God who has authority of it.
I still cant make heads or tails out of who's who, is this one of the extremely rare times? I was going to move on to another question which is, why on earth if you believe the US is the Biblical Babylon would you want to support Trump being it's king? It's like saying you are in support of the...
I guess I'm simple because I thought it was just two political parties running for POTUS but now it's expanding out of the US and overthrowing the earth?
So in the scope of Agenda47 and Trump is there a video where he is talking about overthrowing apostate churches and bringing the entire world into submission? I have not watched every video so may have missed that one or maybe it was something he said at one of his rallies?
Maybe I'm too simple but in just a handful of post the subject changed from Biden to Harris to black men and now apostate Churches and bringing the whole world into submission?
Good analogy the minorities only have the choice of tacking to the port for a while and then back to the starboard when the wind is always blowing at your bow.