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  1. C

    Did Jesus Have The Human Sinful Nature?

    Jesus was not born with Adams sinful nature. Jesus never sinned. Never considered sinning, Never struggled with sin. Even for a second. That proves that He was not born with a sinful nature. What sinful nature is: Being born into a world that Satan rules without the Spirit of God being...
  2. C

    Did Jesus Have The Human Sinful Nature?

    I never said anything insulting. Yet you insult me by saying I did. It is you lack of understanding what I said that made you feel insulted. Calling my comments insulting, when they are not, is not edifying. Sorry you can not understand the meaning of my comments. It was you that said Jesus...
  3. C

    Did Jesus Have The Human Sinful Nature?

    I didn't insult you. I asked a question. You took it offensively. I never said or thought you thought I did know anything. Where did that come from? Jesus knows everything. He is all powerful. He has God with Him always. You said He wasn't.
  4. C

    Did Jesus Have The Human Sinful Nature?

    Jesus said, I did not come to do my will, but the will of the Father who sent me. Hope this helps.
  5. C

    Did Jesus Have The Human Sinful Nature?

    He saw the disciple by the tree before He met Him. You really don't know just how powerful Jesus is, do You?
  6. C

    Did Jesus Have The Human Sinful Nature?

    Jesus was given all power. He had legions of Good Angels at his disposal. He could make the blind see. The lame walk. The dead rise. What are you talking about?
  7. C

    Did Jesus Have The Human Sinful Nature?

    Being born into sin means... Being born into a world that Satan is the ruler. Jesus did not have a sinful nature. He had God Spirit always save the moment on the cross when He said... Father why has though forsaken me. Jesus felt no temptation any more than I would if someone asked me to...
  8. C

    How did the giants survive a global flood?

    If you leave out the 1 Enoch book of scripture, that theology could hold a little water. Yet the whole idea that someone who is a believer having union with a non believer causing giants to be born is a tad bit far fetched, wouldn't you think? Not to mention if they were that different...
  9. C

    How did the giants survive a global flood?

    But a whole lot of new languages just sort of popped up out of nowhere. All the tribes all the of the sudden could no longer speak their native tongue. They just started speaking whatever language God assigned each tribe. And I will wager their new tongue came with an alphabet though maybe...
  10. C

    How did the giants survive a global flood?

    As for Enoch writing about future events... well that is one of the things that prophets do. God knows the beginning and the end. He told Enoch and He wrote it down. What language? No clue. That whole tower of babel thing and the languages getting confused kind of makes it hard to pen...
  11. C

    How did the giants survive a global flood?

    Not sure where you get your History lessons from, but you may want to do some research. Have you ever heard of the Epic of Gilgamesh? The oldest known civilization came fully adorned with language, arts, astrology and sacrificial ceremonies. I think Noah was his great grandfather or maybe...
  12. C


    Is it wrong to Love God first or right? Is it good to love God first or bad? You may find some instances where they are different> turn left, not right. But you will find countless where they are the same. It is not right to break a commandment. Its bad. Lol. We can go round circles on...
  13. C

    How did the giants survive a global flood?

    Someone added a word to the Bible phrase. Here is how it actually reads: KJV 14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. It doesn't say "as many men as are led" and it doesn't say (alone)! And don't forget...we are not alone. And it could be speaking of angels as...
  14. C

    How did the giants survive a global flood?

    Quotes from the Bible that are from 1Enoch 1 Enoch 10 1 Then said the Most High, the Holy and Great One spake, and sent Uriel to the son of Lamech, 2 and said to him: 'Go to Noah and tell him in my name "Hide thyself!" and reveal to him the end that is approaching: that the whole earth will be...
  15. C

    How did the giants survive a global flood?

    The Indians are decendants of Noah that eventually ended up in the Americas. And on every continent in the world, all the first civilizations, there is the same folklore about the giants, the flood and God. Just the names have changed be- cause they speak different languages. (Tower of Babel)...
  16. C

    How did the giants survive a global flood?

    Well... all I can say is that unbelievers have unions and babies with believers every day and have for as long as people have existed and giants were not born from the unions. There are many places in the Bible where the angels are called, sons of God. The Book of Enoch tells in detail...
  17. C


    I know what He said. Lol But isn't right good? And if I am right it is only because of Him. Thanks for the warm welcome.
  18. C

    How did the giants survive a global flood?

    It is my opinion that the Bible is very clear how the giants again came to be on the Earth after the flood. It is clear that the Earth was cleansed by the flood and all the giants were killed. It is also clear that all those on the ark were pure blooded human because if they were not, the...
  19. C


    Why do you call me right? There is only One who is right. : ) I look forward to sharing and learning with this community.