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  1. Marilyn

    Revelation: Vision 4: Christ the Judge & Maker of All things New.

    ECONOMIC BABYLON The city of Babylon will not only be the centre of man`s Religious System, which gets destroyed, but also the centre of commerce and finance – the Global Economy. We are now given a picture of this aspect of the city of Babylon. It is called a `prison` and `a habitation of...
  2. Marilyn

    Any Post or Non-Tribbers in Here?

    Hi David, It is important to really understand this specific point if you want to know the answer to your questions. Let me give you an illustration to show you why. Say a native finds a rectangle bit of metal lying on the ground. He wonders what it is. He holds it up one way and then the...
  3. Marilyn

    Any Post or Non-Tribbers in Here?

    Hi Jocund, The OT speaks of Christ, and that is what is veiled from Israel in part now. However the Body of Christ revelation was not known before the Lord revealed it to the apostle Paul. (Eph. 3: 1 - 6)
  4. Marilyn

    Any Post or Non-Tribbers in Here?

    Wow, yes David, well done there.
  5. Marilyn

    Any Post or Non-Tribbers in Here?

    Sorry all, this post was a muddle. Not sure how it happened, though. I didn`t say those words.....
  6. Marilyn

    Any Post or Non-Tribbers in Here?

    Hi FG, That post was muddled up. It wasn`t me who said `I said,.. Sorry about the confusion.
  7. Marilyn

    Any Post or Non-Tribbers in Here?

    I am going to stay at a friend`s place for a few days, (hubby gone fishing) so will answer when I get there, tomorrow.
  8. Marilyn

    Any Post or Non-Tribbers in Here?

    Hi cv5, I agree with much of what you say. However may I point out a couple of differences we have. 1. The Body of Christ is the NEW MAN, and never changes gender. (Eph. 2: 15) 2. The king David in the millennium is just a man for he has children. (Ez. 46: 16) 3. The OT saints are in the...
  9. Marilyn

    Any Post or Non-Tribbers in Here?

    Hi David, I would love to share what I have been taught. Now we know from Acts 1: 6 that the disciples were looking to the Lord to come and restore His kingdom rule through Israel over the nations as promised in the OT. Remember the revelation of the Body of Christ was not known in the OT or...
  10. Marilyn

    Any Post or Non-Tribbers in Here?

    The Day of the Lord is a time period and a specific day, just like we say Christmas (time) and Christmas (day). 2 Peter 3: 10 is about the time period whereas Rev. 6: 12 - 17 is the specific Day. The context will tell which.
  11. Marilyn

    Any Post or Non-Tribbers in Here?

    #1 is obvious and stated. #2 is a real misread of the verse. Those in the first resurrection are the martyrs from the Trib. And they, in their glorified bodies, WILL reign with Christ in their resurrected bodies. I am perplexed at #2. The verse does support that point. Therefore, #3 is also...
  12. Marilyn

    Any Post or Non-Tribbers in Here?

    As the Body of Christ revelation was NOT known in the OT, we see that it is Israel, as promised, who will be ruling the nations in the Millennium.
  13. Marilyn

    Revelation: Vision 4: Christ the Judge & Maker of All things New.

    `And the 10 horns which you saw are 10 kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast.`...
  14. Marilyn

    Revelation: Vision 4: Christ the Judge & Maker of All things New.

    Political Babylon. The picture we see is of this religious system that has persecuted believers and killed many. It is in a close relationship with a beastly entity. `And I saw the woman...
  15. Marilyn

    Revelation: Vision 4: Christ the Judge & Maker of All things New.

    Religious Babylon. The first aspect of Babylon that we are shown is the Religious system. The false prophet brings together all the religions of the world and this is revealed to us in symbolic form as a great prostitute – a great profanity of blasphemy and a violation of sacred things...
  16. Marilyn

    Revelation: Vision 4: Christ the Judge & Maker of All things New.

    THE CITY OF BABYLON The city of Babylon is being rebuilt and it is destined to become the centre of the last Gentile Global Government. The Anti-Christ will rule from Babylon with the 10 Islamic kings, over the whole world. The Political, Economic and Religious aspects of...
  17. Marilyn

    Any Post or Non-Tribbers in Here?

    But she would move her throne to my backyard here in OZ.