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  1. Marilyn

    Revelation: Vision 1. The Unveiling of Jesus Christ.

    6. Philadelphia – Christ`s Character and His Purposes. (Rev. 3: 7 – 13) Christ reveals His Character (Holy) &...
  2. Marilyn

    Revelation: Vision 1. The Unveiling of Jesus Christ.

    5. Sardis - Denominations. (Rev. 3: 1 – 6) Christ comes to this group of believers telling them He is the one with the Spirit of God & the administrative power over the Body of Christ...
  3. Marilyn

    Revelation: Vision 1. The Unveiling of Jesus Christ.

    4. Thyatira – Idolatry & Witchcraft. (Rev. 2: 18 – 29) Christ highlights His deity to these believers. He tells them that He is searching their motives & will judge those who are worshipping Satan. `These things says...
  4. Marilyn

    God`s 3 Prophetic Days.

    Hi Daniel, Yes the Lord was talking specifically about some standing right there with Him who would see Him coming in His kingdom royalty. The next couple of verses - `Now after six days Jesus took Peter, James and John his brother, brought them up on a high mountain by themselves, and was...
  5. Marilyn

    Revelation: Vision 1. The Unveiling of Jesus Christ.

    Thank you Amanuensis, I appreciate your thoughts and there does seem to be that aspect as well. regards, Marilyn.
  6. Marilyn

    Revelation: Vision 1. The Unveiling of Jesus Christ.

    3. Pergamos – False Doctrines. (Rev. 2: 12 – 17) Christ is revealed to these believers, as their judge, with the authority of His Word. `He who has the sharp two-edged sword.` (Rev. 2: 12) He commends them for professing His name &...
  7. Marilyn

    Revelation: Vision 1. The Unveiling of Jesus Christ.

    2. Smyrna – Persecution (Rev. 2: 8 – 11) Christ is not only the Commencer and Consummator of life as the First and Last, but also the conqueror of death. Where death reigns as the enemy`s power, all mankind are held in bondage. But Christ...
  8. Marilyn

    Revelation: Vision 1. The Unveiling of Jesus Christ.

    Christ`s Counsel to the Body of Christ. (Rev. 2 & 3) We will now look at the Lord dealing with each of the 7 groups. He encourages & comforts, or warns & exposes error, while revealing Himself afresh to each group as the answer to their problem. If we are a part of the Body of Christ...
  9. Marilyn

    Revelation: Vision 1. The Unveiling of Jesus Christ.

    The 7 Stages of the Body of Christ. (Rev. 2 & 3) The Lord Jesus Christ, the Head, has planned & is now building together the Body. The 7 cities, Ephesus, Smyrna - Laodicea, represent this Body at different stages throughout the past two centuries. It is a complete...
  10. Marilyn

    Revelation: Vision 1. The Unveiling of Jesus Christ.

    Christ the Competent Administrator. The Lord Jesus Christ, the founder and perfector of the Church is now shown as its competent Administrator. He is shown walking amongst the seven golden lampstands. Each lampstand fitted on to a common base representing the complete...
  11. Marilyn

    Will people who miss the rapture have a chance to be saved?

    The Feasts of God are His calendar for His purposes for Israel. The Body of Christ receives of Christ`s fulfillment of the early Feasts - Passover, First- Fruits and Pentecost, but we are a parenthesis (...) before the final fulfillment for Israel of the last 3 feasts. These are in the trib...
  12. Marilyn

    Will people who miss the rapture have a chance to be saved?

    Hi Kait, As long as there is man on earth before God wraps it all up, then God`s hand of mercy will be extended to all who turn to Him. Look at Rev. 7 : 9 - 17 and you will read of the great multitude that no one can count. (Rev. 7: 9) (How many is that?) These people turn to God in the great...
  13. Marilyn

    God`s 3 Prophetic Days.

    Yes God has specific times for the fulfillment of those feasts for Israel. We know that the Day of Atonement was Israel`s most Holy Day when they confessed the nation`s sins, and asked for forgiveness and cleansing. The fulfillment of that is recorded in God`s word. `It will be in that day...
  14. Marilyn

    Revelation. Vision 1: Christ the Head.

    The Apostle John was overcome by this wondrous vision of the Lord Jesus and collapsed at His feet as dead. The blinding sight of Christ`s glory, His concentrated gaze and the terrible sword protruding from the mouth all made John`s heart tremble & become terror stricken. But the Lord lays His...
  15. Marilyn

    Revelation. Vision 1: Christ the Head.

    The glorified Lord Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father `far above all principality and power, and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.` (Eph. 1: 20 & 21) His Authority...
  16. Marilyn

    Revelation. Vision 1: Christ the Head.

    Christ the Royal High Priest. The details of this vision of the Lord draws upon the imagery of the High Priest ministering in the temple. However this is but a shadow of the true minister of the sanctuary in the heavenlies – the Lord Jesus Christ. (Heb. 8: 1 & 2) His Character...
  17. Marilyn

    Revelation. Vision 1: Christ the Head.

    Christ the Head of the Body. As the Spirit of God begins to unfold to us the manifold glory of Christ He draws from all the wonders that we see – life, nature, scripture, heaven, the beauties of colour, fruits, jewels and radiant light. Yet these are but representations of...
  18. Marilyn

    God`s 3 Prophetic Days.

    Jesus said, `I will build my church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.` (Matt. 16: 18) Jesus prophesied that He would build His called out ones and this He has been doing for over 2000 years. The Lord Jesus is still working, building and maturing His Body till He brings it to...