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  1. Marilyn

    Russia Preparing for War.

    The Federation from the `far north` says - `I will go up against a land of unwalled villages.......against a people gathered from the nations....` (Ez. 38: 11 & 12) And since God tells us that it is the land of Israel that He will bring this Federation down to, then we know the time slot - ` a...
  2. Marilyn

    Russia Preparing for War.

    `Then you will come up from your place out of the FAR NORTH.` (Ez. 38: 15) Heb. `Tsaphon,` meaning hidden and used ONLY of the north as a quarter.
  3. Marilyn

    Russia Preparing for War.

    Later the Lord said to His Body - `But you, brethren are NOT in darkness that this day should OVERTAKE you as a thief.` (1 Thess. 5: 4) And come together all the more - `exhorting (encouraging and warning) one another, and so much THE MORE AS YOU SEE the Day approaching.` (Heb. 10: 25)
  4. Marilyn

    Russia Preparing for War.

    The Federation from the `far north` says - `I will go up against a land of unwalled villages.......against a people gathered from the nations....` (Ez. 38: 11 & 12) And since God tells us that it is the land of Israel that He will bring this Federation down to, then we know the time slot - ` a...
  5. Marilyn

    The False Teaching (& Truth) of what happens at the Rapture.

    And scriptures specific for the Body of Christ?
  6. Marilyn

    Russia Preparing for War.

    Interesting thoughts there Onesimus. Thanks.
  7. Marilyn

    The False Teaching (& Truth) of what happens at the Rapture.

    Most of those scriptures refer to the nation of Israel (inherit the earth) and to the OT saints who will inherit the city. The only scripture referring to the Body of Christ, Rev. 5: 10 can refer to ruling `above or on,` the earth. Thus we need more scriptures to find out with. I gave them to...
  8. Marilyn

    Russia Preparing for War.

    Thanks Pilgrim for all your news and comments too. Much appreciated and right on the ball.
  9. Marilyn

    The False Teaching (& Truth) of what happens at the Rapture.

    You said in reference to my scripture Rev. 3: 21. `All those letters have something like that addressing the reward overcomers receive so the throne is a reference to the Earthly thrown of eternity: Rev_22:3 And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in...
  10. Marilyn

    Russia Preparing for War.

    So true. The strategic advantage of involvement in the Middle East, and the economic wealth accruing from controlling the world distribution of crude oil has been a Soviet prime objective for years. This was exposed by the Israeli army in 1982. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the State...
  11. Marilyn

    Russia Preparing for War.

    We shall see.
  12. Marilyn

    Russia Preparing for War.

    But we are looking at what God`s word says. God is about to bring the Russian Federation plus Iran, Libya and Ethiopia, to judgment on the mountains and fields of Israel. (Ez. 38: 5, 15 & 16)
  13. Marilyn

    Russia Preparing for War.

    See notes above.
  14. Marilyn

    Russia Preparing for War.

    The Encyclopedia Britannia - `Rus, also spelled Ros, ancient people who gave their name to the lands of Russia and Belarus.` God`s Word says - `Then you will come from your place out of the FAR NORTH.` (Ez. 38: 16)
  15. Marilyn

    The False Teaching (& Truth) of what happens at the Rapture.

    Thus you are saying that the Father did not enthrone His Son `far above all.`
  16. Marilyn

    Russia Preparing for War.

    Russia Preparing for War. I believe that Russia is preparing for war. I will write what I believe and then open it up for discussion. More details can be shared as we go on. God`s word tells us that Russia will be brought down to the land of Israel by God in the latter years. (Ez. 38: 16) I...
  17. Marilyn

    The False Teaching (& Truth) of what happens at the Rapture.

    God`s throne is forever in the highest - `Heaven is my throne and the earth my footstool.` (Isa. 66: 1) `not only in this age BUT IN THAT WHICH IS TO COME. And He put ALL THINGS UNDER HIS FEET.`(Eph. 1: 20 - 22) All other mention of `throne` refers to God`s AUTHORITY in those other realms.
  18. Marilyn

    The False Teaching (& Truth) of what happens at the Rapture.

    `To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with me on MY THRONE,....` (Rev. 3: 21) (Father) `seated Him (Jesus) at His right hand in the heavenly places FAR ABOVE all principalities and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age BUT IN THAT WHICH IS TO COME...
  19. Marilyn

    The False Teaching (& Truth) of what happens at the Rapture.

    `To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with me on MY THRONE,....` (Rev. 3: 21) (Father) `seated Him (Jesus) at His right hand in the heavenly places FAR ABOVE all principalities and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age BUT IN THAT WHICH IS TO COME...
  20. Marilyn

    The False Teaching (& Truth) of what happens at the Rapture.

    Good questions there Freegrace. Yes we know the `judgment` seat of Christ how it is different from judgment at the Great White Throne. Yes as you rightly say, rewards or loss of those things done under the power of the Holy Spirit and not for self aggrandizement. Where as the great White Throne...